Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Person of Interest <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

to their competitors. Jerome speaks up, saying that Monica has been acting oddly and making<br />

off-the-book appointments. Martin orders Security to see her out and warns that they have civil<br />

and criminal charges pending. Finch and Reese figure that someone is trying to silence her and<br />

won’t stop until she’s dead.<br />

The next morning, Reese continues following Monica back to Rylatech. Meanwhile, Finch<br />

goes over the information on the flash drive and confirms that Lee was a spy working under deep<br />

cover. Meanwhile, Monica follows Jerome as he leaves Rylatech, and Reese follows both of them.<br />

Cal goes to see Elias in prison and asks him if Szymanski was on his payroll, unaware that<br />

Fusco is listening in on his cloned cell phone. Elias tells Cal to ask better questions and then<br />

asks him who benefits from Szymanski’s murder. He suggests that Cal knows the truth and<br />

doesn’t realize it, and tells him that his people tried to pay off Szymanski but he refused the<br />

bribe. Elias tells Cal that he was played by HR and then advises him to choose his next move<br />

wisely as he leaves.<br />

Carte calls Finch and tells him that Lee’s car accident showed no sign of collision or breakdown.<br />

The body is gone from the morgue.<br />

Simmons meets with Quinn and warns him that one of their people saw Cal with Elias.<br />

Quinn says that it’s a shame and considers promoting him out of New York. However, Quinn<br />

tells Simmons to dispose of him instead and walks away.<br />

Jerome is on the street, making a call to his Chinese employers assuring them that Monica is<br />

no longer a problem. Monica approaches him and demands to know why he implicated her. When<br />

he shoves her away, Reese runs over and slams Jerome into a car, and then demands to know<br />

who he’s working for. Jerome says that there are too many of them just as a sniper opens fire.<br />

Reese gets Monica into a nearby car while the sniper kills Jerome, and then starts hotwiring the<br />

ignition. Finch calls to tell Reese that Lee’s emails were to his father, a high-ranking Communist<br />

official. Lee was spying for his country and they have just picked a fight with China.<br />

As Reese drives off and Finch tells him to head for the new accommodations, Sam enters the<br />

library. She explains that she traced the phone number that Finch gave her and he says that<br />

her offer to her still ends. Sam shows him a newspaper article about how a CIA leak cleared her<br />

dead partner’s name, showing he died on a covert operation to stop a domestic terrorism plot.<br />

She points out that Cole didn’t work for the CIA, so she figures that Finch hacked into the CIA<br />

records and created the fake record for Cole. As they talk, Sam sees a photo of Root on the board<br />

and asks what Finch knows about her. Finch admits that it’s complicated and Sam takes his list<br />

of Root’s aliases, pets Bear, and walks out.<br />

Reese takes Monica to the safe house and explains that Lee was working for China. She<br />

doesn’t know why Lee was spying on her and Reese figures that he may have been tampering<br />

with her work. Jerome was attached to her to keep an eye on her. Finch and Bear arrive and<br />

Monica realizes that Finch isn’t an IT guy. They figure that Lee was working with someone on the<br />

inside and Monica figures that it’s Ross. She wants to go to the police but Finch says that they<br />

need to get to the evidence first.<br />

They access the Rylatech mainframe but Finch is unable to hack the systems. Monica takes<br />

over and complains about how the last ten years of her life have been wasted. Once she’s in,<br />

Finch takes over and Monica that the people at Rylatech are her family and now they think she<br />

betrayed them. Finch searches for the hidden network the spies are using, but the hacker at<br />

the other end hacks the laptop and sabotages the firmware, shorting out the computer. Monica<br />

suggests that they access server directly, but to do so they have to go inside Rylatech. When<br />

Reese points out that everyone at Rylatech knows her, Finch asks for her RFID card even though<br />

it has been deactivated.<br />

That night, the security guards pick up Monica’s card inside of the building. They move off to<br />

her indicated location and find Bear, the ID tag on his leach. Finch, parked outside, gives Bear<br />

the order to attack and the dog chases the men into a room. Meanwhile, Reese and Monica go to<br />

the server room and access the catalog server. Once they install the transmitter, Finch accesses<br />

the system and finds encrypted traffic. There is some anomalous data, but Finch ignores it and<br />

locates the end users. The information is coming in from all of Rylatech’s clients, and Monica<br />

realizes that someone has compromised the company’s routes and servers. Finch discovers that<br />

they’re activities have been detected and tells Reese and Monica to get out.<br />

Security guards move in and Reese returns fire and then jumps one of the security guards.<br />

He uses the man as a shield when the second guard opens fire, and then kills the second guard.<br />


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