Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Person of Interest <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

hole for her own protection. Once he agrees to go with her, Jordan agrees.<br />

Back at the co-op, Hester manages Jekyll and Hyde as they make up a new batch of ecstasy.<br />

Jekyll warns him that they’ll need more than 24 hours to finish the batch, but Hester insists.<br />

Lionel goes to prison to see Kyle, who insists that he’s innocent. The convict isn’t interested in<br />

discussing the matter until Lionel says that he’s tied to someone else having the same problem.<br />

Surprised that Lionel believes him, Kyle describes how someone first kept making new bank<br />

accounts in his name and then cleared out his credit cards. The police arrested him, he was<br />

convicted, and now his wife refuses to let Kyle see his little girl. Lionel promises to get him out of<br />

jail so that Kyle can be reunited with his family.<br />

Jekyll and Hyde realizes that the chemicals they’re using are turning black. Hester checks his<br />

phone and tells the two thugs that the cops are on the way and they have to clear out.<br />

Jordan goes home to pick up a few things for the hotel and makes herself a drink, and then<br />

offers one to Finch.<br />

Lionel shows Kyle the hardware store receipts that were made in Jordan’s name. Kyle confirms<br />

that they are the same equipment and chemicals that he was framed for buying. He sees a photo<br />

of Jordan and tells Lionel that he knows her: she was a receptionist at his accountant’s office.<br />

Hyde talks about the chemicals they need and the skylights at their last lab, and Hester<br />

agrees. The thug then reveals that he lied to see if Hester was who he claimed. The two thugs<br />

draw guns on Hester and ask who he really is. Reese tries to call Finch and tell him that things<br />

are backward, just as Lionel calls Finch to tell him the same thing. A dazed Harold is staring at<br />

his glass and doesn’t get either message. Reese then runs into the apartment and says that they<br />

have to get out before the cops get there. Jekyll recognizes Reese rom before and Reese knocks<br />

him and Hyde out. Hester draws a gun on Reese, who tells him that he knows that he’s the real<br />

Jordan Hester and has been framed.<br />

Finch starts to get dizzy and Jordan tells him that he’ll be feeling better soon.<br />

Reese easily disarms Hester and explains that he knows what happened to him. As they tie<br />

up Jekyll and Hyde, Hester explains that he was always an introvert and no one believed him<br />

when someone started stealing his identity. He decided to play along and be a bad guy so he<br />

could find who was responsible and turn their operation against him. Hester bought nitric acid<br />

for Jekyll and Hyde so that it would destroy the lab. Then he’d use the existing ecstasy to lure<br />

out the identity thief and get his life back. Reese figures that it’s a terrible plan, but it’s the best<br />

they have so he decides to go with it. He calls Finch, who is rambling because of the ecstasy<br />

that Jordan slipped him and repeating what Reese says. Jordan finally realizes that Finch has<br />

an earpiece and removes it, and Finch tells her that Reese is at the lab. Jordan mixes some<br />

chemicals into a tin and puts it into the microwave, and then calls her man Josef and tells him<br />

to meet her at the lab. The tins and the chemicals start to burn in the microwave as Jordan<br />

leaves.<br />

Reese calls and tells Lionel to get to Jordan’s apartment and check on Finch.<br />

Donnelly takes Carter to a special FBI task force and explains that the CIA has been running<br />

illegal black ops in the U.S. He figures that Reese was one of the men they used, but he left the<br />

Agency and is now apparently selling his services to the highest bidder. Donnelly has learned<br />

from the Russian Mob that Reese was apparently protecting Carl Elias when he took out a mob<br />

hit on the crime lord. The FBI knows about CIA Agent Snow and figures that he covers up for<br />

the CIA’s U.S. operations. When Carter wonders what Donnelly plans to do about Reese, the<br />

FBI agent says that he wants to stop the CIA and stop Reese. He figures that they can give her<br />

100% support for her own efforts to find Reese and asks her if she knows anything else. After a<br />

moment, Carte says that Donnelly has everything she has and promises to keep in touch. As she<br />

leaves, Donnelly promises her that they’ll track down Reese.<br />

Lionel gets to Jordan’s apartment and finds Finch staring at the flames in the microwave. The<br />

detective turns it off and gets Finch out, and then tells Reese what is going on. Reese is occupied<br />

at the moment as Jordan, Josef, and her third man storm into the lab and capture him and<br />

Hester. She tells Josef and his other man to dispose of them and leaves, and Reese takes out a<br />

bottle of what he claims is hydrochloric acid from his jacket. He threatens to drop it and when<br />

Josef calls his bluff, Reese throws the liquid in his face and knocks down the other man. He then<br />

tells a screaming Josef that it’s just water and shoots him in the leg.<br />

Lionel has determined that Hester and Kyle both used the same accounting chain owned by<br />

Richard Eckhart. He gives Finch his laptop and tells him to find out where they can find Eckhart.<br />


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