Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna

Episode Guide - inaf iasf bologna


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Person of Interest <strong>Episode</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

comes out ”clean,” and he dumps what is actually a fake item off in his antique shop. Elias<br />

points out that HR will be coming for Hayden when they discover that he’s conning their money<br />

launderer.<br />

When Carter goes back to her squad car, Laskey wonders who she’s meeting with. She tells<br />

him not to worry about it and the rookie cop admits that he knows what HR is really like now.<br />

Carter warns Laskey that she’s not on his side and orders him to call in sick so he can follow<br />

Simmons and see where the trail of the laundered money leads.<br />

Touched by Hayden’s plea, Reese takes the conman to the hotel where they’re keeping Natalie.<br />

Reese gives the couple some time alone so that Hayden can explain and checks in with Finch.<br />

Finch says that he’s checked Sven’s computer and discovered that Hayden accessed the dealer’s<br />

emails. The conman changed one email from HR telling Sven to bid on a particular lot, altering<br />

it to a different lot number. Reese goes in to question Hayden and discovers that the man has<br />

slipped out the window.<br />

That night, Carter goes to Sven’s shop and demands answers. When he grabs a gun, Fusco<br />

comes up behind him and takes the gun. They tie Sven up and explain that Hayden has been<br />

conning him. Sven tells them that Simmons set him up with Customs and then bailed him out,<br />

and now Sven repays his debt by laundering HR money. He has finally gotten rid of all the money<br />

that HR gave him to dump, and plans on leaving. Carter explains that Hayden set him up to buy<br />

a real 1927 autographed Yankees baseball worth $4.4 million. Sven tells them that a soda kid<br />

came in and bought the ball earlier, and realizes that without the ball or the money, he’s in<br />

deep trouble. Fusco dumps Sven on the floor and pours fake blood on him, and Carter takes a<br />

photo and tells Sven that he’ll be leaving town on a fake identity. She then forwards the photo<br />

to Laskey and tells him to show it to Simmons as evidence that he followed his orders. However,<br />

before Laskey can do so, Simmons calls him and tells him to hold on killing Sven because they’ve<br />

discovered that they didn’t get the baseball back. Laskey hesitates and then tells his HR superior<br />

that they have a problem.<br />

As they leave, Carter and Fusco call Finch and tell him that a soda kid has the $4.4 baseball,<br />

and HR will be looking for him.<br />

Hayden meets the soda kid on the street corner where he sells pop and pays him $20 for<br />

completing the task he gave him: buying the ball from Sven’s shop.<br />

The next morning, Reese and Finch wonder whether Hayden will abandon Natalie. Finch<br />

figures that the conman will try to get to his girlfriend and taps Natalie’s phone. Hayden calls her<br />

and she demands the truth, and says that she’s leaving town and going back home if he doesn’t<br />

come clean with her. He finally admits that a conman, and that he’s made the one big score they<br />

need to travel.<br />

Hayden tells her to meet him at his old office and Natalie reluctantly agrees.<br />

Simmons meets Alonzo at a groundbreaking ceremony and tells him what’s going on. Alonzo<br />

blames Simmons for screwing up and tells him to get the ball back. His underling assures him<br />

that they’ve already tapped Natalie’s phone and that they know Hayden will pick her up. Alonzo<br />

tells Simmons to make everything right or he’ll be sorry.<br />

When Hayden goes back to his old office to meet Natalie, he finds Reese and Fusco waiting for<br />

him. They force him to hand over the baseball and Fusco confirms that it’s authentic. Hayden<br />

asks for a chance to call Natalie and Reese reluctantly gives him thirty seconds. However, when<br />

the conman makes the call, he gets Terney, who says that they have Natalie. Terney gives Hayden<br />

twenty minutes to meet him at the auction house and turn over the baseball. Once Hayden hangs<br />

up, Reese asks him what he plans to do.<br />

Hayden admits that he hoped to con himself into becoming the man that Natalie wanted, and<br />

asks Reese to help him.<br />

Outside the auction house, Simmons has Laskey wait with Natalie in the car while Terney<br />

takes Hayden inside so their appraiser Nagel can confirm that the baseball is real. Once he does,<br />

Laskey will kill Natalie and Terney will kill Hayden. Laskey suggests that they let Natalie go since<br />

she’s harmless, but Simmons tells him to mind his place. Hayden arrives and shows them the<br />

baseball, and Simmons orders him to go in with Terney and his men. Before he goes, Hayden<br />

whispers an apology to Natalie. Once they’re inside, Nagel takes the baseball and checks it.<br />

Carter and Sam approach Laskey at the car and he admits that Carter was right and HR was<br />

going to kill an innocent woman. He gives his gun to Carter and tells her to make it look good,<br />

and Carter knocks him out.<br />


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