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; bookings<br />

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buyer<br />

: a<br />

1 1949,<br />

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'<br />

on<br />

ing the tax imposed by the city of St. Petersburg, goes the credit<br />

for the victory won. Our congratulations for this fine example of<br />

teamworki<br />

''Duty and Privilege"<br />

This is the season of the year when the spirit of goodwill<br />

permeates the atmosphere around us, when tolerance and understanding<br />

displace their antonyms. It is fitting, therefore, that<br />

the amusements division of the National Conference of Christians<br />

and Jews should lay its plans for the aimual Brotherhood<br />

Week campaign, which is to begin February 17.<br />

The motion picture industry has given great assistance to<br />

; this worthy movement for many years. Aside from financial<br />

contributions, it has given that which money cannot buy: time<br />

its theatre screens, displays in lobbies; talks from stages<br />

and at other public and private gatherings; and a spirit of<br />

good-fellowship—and brotherhood—that little by little has been<br />

extending the interest in this movement aroiuid the world.<br />

J. Robert Rubin, of Loew's, has been an inspirational guiding<br />

hand in the industry's participation for a long time. In<br />

he was ably aided by Ned Depinet, of REO, who, as<br />

chairman, administered the increase of more than 50 per cent<br />

in collections for the year. For 1950, Ted Gamble will be national<br />

chairman of the amusements division.<br />

Mr. Gamble accepted the chairmanship conferred upon<br />

him by declaring that he did so as a "duty and privilege."<br />

That it is for all of us who con and should participate.<br />

High Mark of Goodwill<br />

Leo, the lion, roared from 20,500 U. S. theatre screens at<br />

least once in observation of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's twentyfifth<br />

anniversary this year. This represents the total number of<br />

theatres in operation up to August 31, which, we are advised<br />

by William F. Rodgers, vice-president and general sales manager<br />

of MGM, comprises 19,300 indoor and 1,200 outdoor<br />

theatres.<br />

Something considerably more than a record number of<br />

is contained in the above facts and figures. Such<br />

100 per cent participation in an anniversary celebration is rare,<br />

indeed, and it betokens a high mark of goodwill between<br />

and seller in this industry. It further evidences as great<br />

tribute as any sales manager can want for his company's<br />

sales policies and, as well, for the abilities of his salesmen and<br />

customer regard for them. In Mr. Rodgers' own words, "This is<br />

a salesman's dream come true." And, he adds, "Of course this<br />

would not be possible without the perfectly grand cooperation<br />

of both regular customers and those who caimol regularly play<br />

our product. We certainly are deeply appreciative."<br />

Congratulations, Leo, on the fine examples you have shown<br />

that cooperation and teamwork can attain the very maximum<br />

of good results!<br />

(2.^<br />

Arizona Paramount Corp.<br />

Is Set As New Chain<br />

Replaces Paramount Nace Theatres, Inc.,<br />

as operator of ten theatres in Phoenix and<br />

Tucson; George M. Aurelius will supervise,<br />

headquartering in Phoenix.<br />

United Paramount to Build<br />

New Chattanooga Theatre<br />

Government grants circuit permission to<br />

construct or acquire new house to replace the<br />

Bijou, which burned down in 1943; first such<br />

order under consent decree.<br />

Three Percentage Suits<br />

Filed in New Orleans<br />

William A. Lighter jr., individually and doing<br />

business as Southeastern Theatres Co., is<br />

the defendant in separate complaints by<br />

RKO, Universal and Loew's.<br />

*<br />

WMGM Deal to Buy Mutual<br />

Network 'Falls Through'<br />

Negotiations between the Loew's-owned<br />

radio station and MBS are definitely off.<br />

according to Bertram Lebahr jr., WMGM<br />

director, and Frank White, Mutual president.<br />

Louis B. Mayer Is Honored<br />

By Jewish War Veterans<br />

To receive 1950 "Gold Medal of Merit"<br />

for 25 years of contributions to the "worldwide<br />

dissemination of American principles<br />

and ideals through the medium of the<br />

American motion picture."<br />

British Labor Goverrunent<br />

Planning Film Policies<br />

Official statement by member of Pi-ime<br />

Minister Clement Attlee's cabinet due early in<br />

1950, Harold Wilson, Board of Trade president,<br />

tells National Film Production Council<br />

at December 21 meeting.<br />

»<<br />

U.S. Investment Company<br />

May Lend to British<br />

Schroder Rockefeller & Co. is considering<br />

financial support of future J. Arthur Rank<br />

and Sir Alexander Korda productions in<br />

Britain and on the European continent.<br />

Indonesia and Germany Rated<br />

As Top U.S. Film Markets<br />

Samuel Burger, Loew's Infl sales manager,<br />

says these countries wiU join Italy as best<br />

field for Hollj-wood product: says Loew's<br />

plans theatres in Israel.<br />

Bank of England Approves<br />

$500,000 B-Pool Payment<br />

This amount represents U.S. distributors'<br />

share from earnings of British films in this<br />

country; brings year's total to million; division<br />

of fimd still controversial within distributor<br />


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