Infrastructure Projects Facility Technical Assistance Window (IPF TA ...

Infrastructure Projects Facility Technical Assistance Window (IPF TA ...

Infrastructure Projects Facility Technical Assistance Window (IPF TA ...


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tenance of the register data and the content of the summary report form<br />

(Official Gazette, No. 46/10) 57<br />

• Regulation on detailed contents of the documentation for the issuance of<br />

permits for import, export and transit of waste and waste classification list<br />

(Official Gazette, No. 75/10) 58<br />

• Ordinance on the content, form and manner of keeping the register of licenses<br />

issued for the transboundary movement of waste (Official Gazette,<br />

No. 71/10) 59<br />

• Regulation on detailed contents of a detailed description of the work process<br />

and conditions of the equipment and personnel with which the treatment<br />

plant and disposal facilities need to comply (Official Gazette, No.<br />

75/10) 60<br />

• Ordinance on the incineration of waste (Official Gazette, No. 14/11) 61<br />

• Regulations on the procedure of processing equipment and waste containing<br />

PCBs (Official Gazette, No. 34/11) 62 .<br />

57 Pravilnik o obliku, sadrţaju i naĉinu popunjavanja formulara o transportu otpada i evidencije o<br />

otpadu, godišnjem izvještaju o otpadu, sadrţini i naĉinu voĊenja registra podataka i sadrţaju i formi<br />

zbirnog izvještaja ("Sluţbeni list CG ", broj 46/10)<br />

58 Pravilnik o bliţem sadrţaju dokumentacije za izdavanje dozvole za uvoz, izvoz i tranzit otpada, kao<br />

i listi klasifikaciji otpada ("Sluţbeni list CG", broj 75/10)<br />

59 Pravilnik o sadrţaju, obliku i naĉinu voĊenja registra izdatih dozvola za prekograniĉno kretanje<br />

otpada ("Sluţbeni list CG", broj 71/10)<br />

60 Pravilnik o bliţem sadrţaju detaljnog opisa radnog procesa i uslovima koje u pogledu opreme i<br />

kadra ispunjava postrojenje za preradu i odstranjivanje otpada ("Sluţbeni list CG", broj 75/10)<br />

61 Pravilnik o spaljivanju otpada ("Sluţbeni list CG", broj 14/11)<br />

62 Pravilnik o naĉinu i postupku obrade opreme i otpada koji sadrţi PCB ("Sluţbeni list CG", broj<br />

34/11)<br />


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