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Critical Reflections<br />

public. At that time, he was certainly not regarded as a representative of the<br />

art world but strictly as an outside observer whose function was to judge and<br />

criticize works of art in the name of the public exactly as would any other<br />

well-educated observer with the time and literary facility: Good taste was seen<br />

as the expression of an aesthetic “common sense.” The art critic’s judgment<br />

should be incorruptible, that is, bear no obligation to the artist. For a critic<br />

to give up his distance meant being corrupted by the art world and neglecting<br />

his professional responsibilities: This demand for disinterested art criticism<br />

in the name of the public sphere is the assertion of Kant’s third critique, the<br />

first truly important aesthetic treatise of modernity.<br />

The judicial ideal, however, was betrayed by the art criticism of the<br />

historical avant-garde. The art of the avant-garde consciously withdrew itself<br />

from the judgment of the public. It did not address the public as it was but<br />

instead spoke to a new humanity as it should—or at least could—be. The art<br />

of the avant-garde presupposed a different, new humanity for its reception—one<br />

that would be able to grasp the hidden meaning of pure color and<br />

form (Kandinsky), to subject its imagination and even its daily life to the<br />

strict laws of geometry (Malevich, Mondrian, the Constructivists, Bauhaus),<br />

to recognize a urinal as a work of art (Duchamp). The avant-garde thus<br />

introduced a rupture in society not reducible to any previously existing social<br />

differences.<br />

The new, artificial difference is the true artwork of the avant-garde.<br />

Now it is not the observer who judges the artwork, but the artwork that<br />

judges—and often condemns—its public. This strategy has often been called<br />

elitist, but it suggests an elite equally open to anyone insofar as it excludes<br />

everyone to the same degree. To be chosen doesn’t automatically mean dominance,<br />

or even mastery. Every individual is free to place himself, against the<br />

rest of the public, on the side of the artwork—to number himself among<br />

those constituting the new humanity. Several art critics of the historical avantgarde<br />

did just that. In place of the critic in the name of society arose social<br />

critique in the name of art: The artwork doesn’t form the object of judgment<br />

but is instead taken as the point of departure for a critique aimed at society<br />

and the world.<br />

The art critic of today inherited the older public office along with the<br />

avant-garde betrayal of this office. The paradoxical task of judging art in<br />

the name of the public while criticizing society in the name of art opens a

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