New Classic Poems – Contemporary Verse That Rhymes

New Classic Poems – Contemporary Verse That Rhymes

New Classic Poems – Contemporary Verse That Rhymes


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<strong>New</strong> <strong>Classic</strong> <strong>Poems</strong><br />

Love<br />

The winter passed as slowly as it always seems to do<br />

when ice garrotes the streams and bleeds them white,<br />

but such a death is transient and rivers run anew<br />

when day sees fit to break the endless night.<br />

The sun grew strong again. A gentle breath revived the lands.<br />

A latticework of rivulets converged<br />

across the ice to gurgle little channels through the bands<br />

of white and hints of blue as Spring emerged.<br />

The swelling rivers romped across their rumpled gravelled beds,<br />

a noisy game of leapfrog in the sun,<br />

contesting every bank along the ancient watersheds<br />

in effervescent adolescent fun.<br />

As if to answer reveille, canoes appeared on racks<br />

and kayaks crowned a fleet of westbound cars.<br />

We bounced up mountain roads and slid askew down muddy tracks<br />

and bivouac’d beneath a billion stars.<br />

The newlyweds arrived and nested in amongst our crew<br />

encamped along the restless little stream.<br />

They’d traded in their kayaks for a sixteen-foot canoe:<br />

the partnership would paddle as a team.<br />

A tandem boat’s attraction is the teamwork it requires,<br />

the unison, the sharing and the trust.<br />

but trust takes time to grow, no matter what the heart desires,<br />

it’s hard for solo paddlers to adjust.<br />

The sparrow liked to run along the river’s fastest course,<br />

she knew her craft and read the current well.<br />

The hawk would spur his vessel like a knight astride a horse<br />

and joust with ev’ry surf encrusted swell.<br />

It pained to watch them paddle through a technical approach,<br />

she’d reach to draw the bow around a crest<br />

but he would overpower her, and often would reproach<br />

the choice she made. His way was always best.<br />

She didn’t mind at first. She let him choose the line and pursed<br />

her lips each time they banged beneath the white<br />

or broached across a rock he didn’t see. But when he cursed<br />

at her for dumping them, her jaw was tight.<br />

A chill crept in around the evening fire. A silence loomed<br />

like icy fog that creeps a lonely dock.<br />

They sat apart, the sparrow’s bright, engaging smile entombed<br />

beneath moist eyes averted from the hawk.<br />

The mountain skies socked in and drenched our muddy camp<br />

with unrelenting rain. We pulled our gear<br />

above the highest waterline and settled in the damp<br />

to wait, impatient for the skies to clear.<br />


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