ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt.

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt.

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Magyar Fejlesztési Bank Zrt.


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4. hitelprogramok ❙<br />

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16 billion in Stages I and II. At present, the Programme offers<br />

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working capital loans of a maximum of HUF 200 million maturing<br />

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in no more than 5 years to agricultural producers at market terms<br />

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(3 month BUBOR + max. 4% p.a.). Enterprises can apply for loans at<br />

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participating credit institutions or directly with MFB since April<br />

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2010, provided the amount requested is below HUF 50 million.<br />

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MFB Agricultural Vis Maior Working Capital<br />

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Loan Programme<br />

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MFB continued to expand its set of instruments designed to<br />

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particularly in an attempt to improve the competitiveness of<br />

agricultural production, animal husbandry and the production of<br />

high quality produce by financing the working capital requirement<br />

of farming operations. Companies pursuing animal husbandry<br />

and crop production and producers active in the poultry and<br />

pig sectors holding reference letters from a nationwide advocacy<br />

organ or a public body and a production agreement may apply to<br />

the Programme for a working capital loan. Applicants may request<br />

loans denominated in HUF earning interest on a EURIBOR basis<br />

for a term of 3 years with 1 year grace. Altogether 31 applications<br />

n n <br />

finance agricultural enterprises by creating a preferential working were approved under this loan arrangement to the tune of HUF<br />

n <br />

capital loan option maturing over a year to bridge the liquidity prob- 1 billion by the end of <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Forrás: ECB<br />

lems of farmers hit by unfavourable weather phenomena in 2010.<br />

MFB announced its MFB Agricultural Vis Maior Working MFB Frost Damage <strong>2011</strong> Working Capital<br />

szinten Capital Loan kb. 1 Programme százalékpontot with an emelkedtek allocation a of vállalati HUF 6 billion forinthitel and évi Loan gyengülése Programme és a devizahitelek magas aránya következtében<br />

kamatok with 26 November (az 1−5 2010 éves as kölcsönök the effective kamata date. To átlagosan acknowledge 10,10%, the a Based forintban on a nyilvántartott Government hitelállomány decision, the 1,8%-kal <strong>Bank</strong> announced bôvült. its MFB<br />

az high ennél level hosszabb of utilisation, hitelek the <strong>Bank</strong> kamata increased 9,45% the volt allocation decemberben), to HUF Frost Az Damage MFB vállalati <strong>2011</strong> Working felmérései Capital (MFB-INDIKÁTOR) Loan Programme a vállalati with an<br />

míg 11 billion az euróban as of 26 nyújtott April <strong>2011</strong>. hitelek Farmers esetében may apply mintegy for loans 50 bázispontos<br />

the size volt a of növekedés the farming mértéke land that (<strong>2011</strong> sustained utolsó hónapjában damage and 4,33, the working és a forráskereslet capital loans csökkenésébôl with terms supported fakad, s by késôbbre the Government. tolhatja<br />

based allocation szektor „hibernálódását” of HUF 8 billion jelzik, in January ami a 2012 forráshiány to provide fokozódásából preferential<br />

illetve (number, 3,97% type, volt age and az 1−5, sex of illetve the) animals legalább that 5 died éves off. kölcsönök The loan Loans a beruházások are available elindulását, under the a Programme magyar gazdaság for businesses fellendülését. acting<br />

átlagos amount is kamatszintje). limited to HUF A 200 vállalati thousand forrásköltségek per hectare of regionálisan plough field A as forráshiány primary producers általános of erôsödését agricultural mutatja, products hogy to <strong>2011</strong>. mitigate tavasz the<br />

továbbra and pasture is land magasnak per client, mondhatóak: to HUF 500 thousand Szlovákiában per hectare 4,04%, of és losses ôsz of között enterprises nemcsak that sustained a kisvállalatok, frost damage hanem in a spring közép- <strong>2011</strong> és<br />

Csehországban plantation and to 4,11%, HUF Lengyelországban 200 thousand per 6,71%, animal. Romániában The loan nagyvállalatok by supporting production között is megkétszerezôdött and current operations a folyó with kiadások working<br />

10,84% amount may volt vary decemberben between HUF az 5 1-50 évnél million. hosszabb Loans futamidejû may be fedezése capital. MFB érdekében effects advance külsô forrásra payment szoruló of the vállalatok nominal interest, aránya,<br />

hitelek backed kamata. by on-demand first payment guarantees provided by ugyanakkor service charges a súlyosbodó and any other forráshiány cost related ellenére to a extending vállalatoknak and<br />

the Rural A magyar Credit bankrendszer Guarantee Foundation. vállalatoknak, The illetve total loan önkormányzatoknak<br />

approved in nyújtott the loan hiteleinek programme állománya in <strong>2011</strong> reached 1,8%-kal HUF nôtt, 9.8 billion, illetve valószínûleg State shall bear forrásbevonást all such costs. a Borrowing felmérést követô enterprises 12 hónapban, receive 100% ami<br />

amount csupán maintaining ötöde the tervezett loans under ôsszel the biztosan, Programme, s további and ötöde the Hungarian hajt végre<br />

0,8%-kal bringing the csökkent level of utilisation <strong>2011</strong>-ben. to 90% A nem by year pénzügyi end. vállalatok trendfordulót government support jelent a korábbi in respect növekvô of such forráskereslethez interest, service képest. charges<br />

<strong>2011</strong>-ben mind forintban, mind devizában nettó hiteltörlesztôk and procedural costs from funds provided by the Minister of Rural<br />

voltak, MFB Agricultural a tranzakciók Working alapján Capital elôbbi Loan volumene Programme 19,9, utóbbi Development. Furthermore, in case the individual reference rate<br />

271,1 To cater milliárd for farming forinttal companies, csökkent, azonban the <strong>Bank</strong> a announced hazai deviza its <strong>2011</strong>. MFB applicable to the business is higher than the nominal interest rate,<br />

Agricultural Working Capital Loan Programme on 3 May <strong>2011</strong> the business also qualifies for preferential interest supported<br />

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MFB <br />

<strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> <strong>2011</strong> 39

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