Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.

Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.

Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.


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Broadband Specification Guide<br />

CATV Terms & Definitions<br />

Digital Data<br />

Any data which is expressed in digits. Usually implies the use of binary digits.<br />

Digital Signal<br />

A signal which is expressed by discrete states. For example, the absence<br />

or presence of a voltage, the level of amplitude of a voltage, the duration<br />

of the presence of a voltage, etc. Information or intelligence to be<br />

transported may be assigned value or meaning by combinations of the<br />

discrete states of the signal using a code of pulses or digits.<br />

Diplexer<br />

A device used to combine or separate two signals. A U/V band separator<br />

is one example of a diplexer.<br />

Direct Pickup Interference (DPI)<br />

Interference displayed as a leading ghost (left of the main image) on a<br />

TV. This occurs in “on-channel” installations in close proximity to the TV<br />

transmitters (generally within 10 miles).<br />

Directional Coupler<br />

Type of tap that has a designated input and output port besides the tap<br />

port(s). These devices exhibit high isolation between output and tap<br />

ports. Unlike resistive MATV (non-directional) tapoffs, care must be taken<br />

during installation for correct in/out connections.<br />

Dish<br />

A parabolic antenna used for satellite reception.<br />

Dispersion<br />

A term used to describe the chromatic or wavelength dependence<br />

of a parameter as opposed to the temporal dependence, which is<br />

referred to as distortion. The term is used, for example, to describe the<br />

process by which an electromagnetic signal is distorted because the<br />

various wavelength components of that signal have different propagation<br />

characteristics.<br />

Domsat<br />

Domestic Satellite System.<br />

Downlink<br />

Transmission from a satellite earthward. Can also refer to a TVRO<br />

receive station.<br />

Double Window<br />

An optical fiber having desirable transmittance characteristics in both the<br />

first and second window regions.<br />

Dynamic Range<br />

In a transmission system, the difference in decibels between the noise<br />

level of the system and its overload level.<br />

Echo<br />

Reflected energy confined to only a portion of the spectrum which is<br />

occupied by the originating signal.<br />

Educational Broadband Service (EBS)<br />

(Formerly known as ITFS) Microwave Transmission in the frequency<br />

range of 2500 MHz to 2686 MHz.<br />

Electronic<br />

Describing devices, which depend upon the flow of electrons in vacuum<br />

or in semiconductors, such as electron tubes, transistors, etc.<br />

Electron Volt<br />

The amount of energy gained by one electron in passing from a point to<br />

another point which is one volt higher in potential.<br />

Electromagnetic Wave<br />

A wave capable of propagating energy through space at the speed of<br />

light, consisting of electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each<br />

other and to the direction of propagation. Depending upon its frequency<br />

it may be known as a radio wave, a light wave, or a x-ray, etc.<br />

ETV<br />

Educational Television.<br />

Equalize<br />

To apply to a transmission facility a network, whose characteristics are<br />

complementary, such that the loss or delay in the facility and in the<br />

equalizing network combined, make the overall loss or delay almost the<br />

same for all frequencies passed through the facility or network.<br />

Equalizer<br />

A network designed to compensate for an undesired frequency or delay<br />

characteristic of a system or a device.<br />

Equalizer, Cable<br />

A network designed to compensate for the frequency/loss characteristics<br />

of a cable, so as to permit the system to pass all frequencies in a<br />

uniform manner.<br />

FCC<br />

Federal Communications Commission. Regulatory agency that sets<br />

communication standards in the US.<br />

FCC Docket 21006<br />

An FCC ruling which set forth frequency off-sets on certain CATV channels<br />

to minimize potential interference to aeronautical communications.<br />

Feeder<br />

A sub-system within a trunk plus feeder designed CATV system, which<br />

provides complete distribution of signals to subscribers within a limited<br />

section of the CATV service area.<br />

FET Photodetector<br />

A photodetector employing photo-generation of carriers in the channel<br />

region of a Field Effect Transistor structure to provide photo-detection<br />

with current gain.<br />


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