Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.

Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.

Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.


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Broadband Specification Guide<br />

CATV Terms & Definitions<br />

Single-cable Design<br />

A technique for designing CATV systems that utilizes a single type of<br />

amplifier with identical transmission levels throughout the system. It<br />

may, or may not, actually require some placement of paralleling cables in<br />

portions of the system.<br />

Single-mode Fiber<br />

An optical waveguide through which only one mode will propagate.<br />

Single-mode waveguide is produced by reducing the diameter of the<br />

core of the waveguide to 2 to 10 microns. The diameter of the core<br />

is dependent on the difference in the refractive index of the core and<br />

cladding. As the difference in the refractive index of the core and cladding<br />

decreases, the diameter of the core increases. Theoretically, the core<br />

could be infinitely large as the difference in index become infinitely<br />

small. Single-mode operation is desirable because all modes except the<br />

lowest and simplest mode are excluded. This reduces time distortion of<br />

signals propagating in unwanted modes, retains phase relationships, and<br />

reduces dispersion to the lowest possible value.<br />

Slope<br />

Difference in attenuation between specified low and high frequencies.<br />

SLM<br />

Signal Level Meter. Test equipment used to measure RF signal strengths<br />

in CATV/MATV systems. Also referred to as FSM.<br />

SNR<br />

Acronym for signal-to-noise ratio.<br />

Source<br />

A device that, when properly driven (with electrical energy), will produce<br />

information-carrying optical signals.<br />

Sparklies<br />

Black or white dots or streaks that may appear in a satellite program’s<br />

picture. This condition is caused by an insufficient carrier-to-noise ratio.<br />

Spectrum<br />

A range of frequencies within which waves have common characteristics.<br />

For example, audio spectrum, radio spectrum, etc. Radio spectrum is<br />

generally accepted to include the range between 8 KHz and 300 GHz.<br />

Splice<br />

A permanent connection of two optical fibers.<br />

Splitter<br />

A network or device that divides its input energy equally between two<br />

outputs. It is possible to cascade (serially connect) splitters to provide<br />

more than two outputs, but usually the input energy is not then equally<br />

divided across those outputs if the outputs are not multiples of two.<br />

Star Coupler<br />

A passive device in which power from one or several input waveguides<br />

is distributed amongst a larger number of output optical waveguides.<br />

Step-index Fiber<br />

A type of fiber which has an abrupt change in index of refraction at the<br />

core/cladding interface. Generally such fibers have larger cores, higher<br />

losses, and lower bandwidths than graded-index types.<br />

Step-index Profile<br />

A refractive index profile characterized by a uniform refractive index<br />

within the core and a sharp decrease in refractive index at the corecladding<br />

interface.<br />

Strip Amplifier<br />

Slang expression for a channelized high-output AGC’d amplifier used in<br />

processing VHF or UHF channels in a headend.<br />

Sub-Band<br />

The radio spectrum between 5 and 40 MHz.<br />

Sub-Split<br />

Two-way cable communication frequency plan. Consists of an incoming<br />

frequency range of 5-40 MHz and an out-going of 50-450 MHz.<br />

Subscriber Converter<br />

See Converter, subscriber.<br />

Subscriber’s Loop<br />

Circuit between a local office and a subscriber's telephone set.<br />

Super-Band<br />

The radio spectrum between 216 and approximately 400 MHz.<br />

Super-Trunk<br />

A sub-system cable transmission link for transporting television signals<br />

between two discrete locations.<br />

Sync Pulse<br />

Information included in a composite video signal to synchronize the<br />

television receiver's picture tube electron beam with the electron beam<br />

in the television camera which originated the video signal, or with any<br />

other source of a video signal.<br />

Tap, Subscriber<br />

A device that diverts a predetermined amount of its input energy to one<br />

or more tap outputs for the purpose of feeding energy into subscriber<br />

service drop cables. The remaining balance of the input energy is<br />

presented to a tap output port for propagation farther out into the system.<br />

Tap, Optical<br />

A device for extracting a portion of the optical signal from a fiber.<br />

Tapoff<br />

Device to provide a small amount of signal from a distribution line to feed<br />

a TV set. Provides an asymmetrical signal split.<br />

TASO<br />

Television Allocation Study Organization, Industry group that advised the<br />

Federal Communications Commission on TV matters.<br />


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