Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.

Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.

Functional Block Diagram - Blonder Tongue Laboratories Inc.


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Broadband Specification Guide<br />

CATV Terms & Definitions<br />

Termination<br />

Resistive device at end of distribution line or unused outputs of equipment<br />

to avoid reflections (ghost).<br />

Thru-Line Loss<br />

Insertion loss of a tapoff.<br />

Tilt Control<br />

Circuit on an amplifier to compensate for cable slope. Also referred to as<br />

slope control.<br />

Transmitter<br />

In a fiber optic system, the device which converts a modulated<br />

electrical signal into an optical signal for transmission through a fiber. A<br />

transmitter typically consists of a light source (LED or diode laser) and<br />

driving electronics.<br />

Transponder<br />

A frequency converter (translator) aboard a satellite that changes the<br />

uplink signal to the downlink signal and provides amplifications. Typical<br />

C-Band domestic satellites have 24 transponders.<br />

Trap<br />

A device used to attenuate specific frequencies of channels.<br />

Triple Beat Distortion<br />

Spurious signals generated when three or more carriers are passed<br />

through a nonlinear circuit. The spurious signals are sum and difference<br />

products of any three carriers, sometimes referred to as "beats." Triple<br />

beat distortion is calculated as a voltage addition.<br />

Trunk<br />

1. One telephone communication channel between (a) two ranks of<br />

switching equipment in the same central office, (b) between central<br />

office units in the same switching center, or (c) between two switching<br />

centers. A trunk is for the common use of all calls of one class between<br />

its two terminals.<br />

2. A sub-system within a trunk plus feeder designed CATV system which<br />

provides somewhat limited, arterial distribution of signals broadly<br />

across the CATV service area.<br />

Trunk Plus Feeder Design (trunk/feeder)<br />

A technique for designing CATV systems which involves two or more<br />

transmission levels, applied within different sub-systems of the same<br />

system. Generally requires some significant amount of paralleling<br />

cable placement.<br />

TVRO<br />

An abbreviation for "television receive only." Defines a facility which can<br />

include antennas, preamplifiers, and receivers for the reception only of<br />

television signals from a geostationary satellite in space.<br />

Twinlead<br />

A balanced transmission line usually of 300 ohm impedance.<br />

Two-way<br />

Describing a transmission system, which can transport signals in both<br />

directions simultaneously.<br />

Two-way Filter<br />

A combination of low and high pass filters to subdivide spectrum in a<br />

CATV system, allocating some spectrum for transmission in one direction,<br />

and some spectrum for transmission in the opposite direction.<br />

T-1 Carrier System<br />

A 24-channel, transistorized, time-division, pulse-code modulation, voice<br />

carrier used on exchange cable to provide short-haul trunks. Uses two<br />

pairs, in one or two cables, for two directions of transmission. Requires<br />

regenerative pulse repeaters at 6000 feet intervals.<br />

UHF<br />

Ultra High Frequencies TV channels 14-69 (470-806 MHz)<br />

Ultra-high Frequency (UHF)<br />

The radio spectrum between 300 and 3,000 MHz. The term UHF is also<br />

commonly used to denote standard television channels 14 through 69,<br />

which fall within this spectrum.<br />

Ultraviolet<br />

Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between about 40 and 400<br />

nanometers. Radiation between 40 and 200 nm is termed "vacuum<br />

ultraviolet" because it is absorbed by air and travels only through a<br />

vacuum. The "near" ultraviolet has wavelengths close to those of visible<br />

light; the "far" ultraviolet has shorter wavelengths.<br />

Underground Cable<br />

Cable installed in subsurface conduits terminating at intervals in manholes,<br />

thus permitting the placing, replacing, or removal of cables at will.<br />

Uplink<br />

Transmission from earth to a satellite.<br />

Usable Gain (See Gain, usable)<br />

VHF<br />

Very High Frequencies TV channels 2 thru 13 and FM (54-216 MHz).<br />

Velocity of Light<br />

The velocity of light in a vacuum is 2,997,925. meters per second or<br />

186,280 miles per second. For rough calculations the figure of 3,000,000<br />

meters per second is generally used.<br />

Very High Frequency (VHF)<br />

The radio spectrum between 30 and 300 MHz. The term VHF is also<br />

commonly used to denote standard television channels 2 through 13,<br />

which fall within this spectrum.<br />

Vestigial Side Band (VSB)<br />

In amplitude-modulated transmissions, a portion of only one sideband<br />

of a modulated carrier. The modulated carrier is passed through a filter<br />

having a graduated cut-off characteristic near the carrier frequency. A<br />

substantial portion of the modulated carrier is suppressed in this fashion.<br />


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