SOW Attachment D Epoxy Coating System Used on Hangar Floor

SOW Attachment D Epoxy Coating System Used on Hangar Floor

SOW Attachment D Epoxy Coating System Used on Hangar Floor


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Eco-PT Topcoat or Eco-HT Topcoat must also be sanded ifapplying other Tennant urethanes after 24 hours. Use 80 gritpaper except for Eco-HPS, Eco-HPS 100, WearGuard-CRU and WearGuard-CRU 250–use 100. The use ofmore aggressive paper will introduce deep grooves that willnot be covered by a single, thin coat of urethane; swirl markswill be particularly evident if the topcoat is glossy. Werecommend thorough sanding with a swing-type buffer sothat multiple scratch marks cause an obvious gloss loss <strong>on</strong>all areas (depressi<strong>on</strong>s will remain shiny), and the floor isuniformly dulled. The ability to see individual scratch marksis an indicati<strong>on</strong> that sanding is not adequate. Scrub withdetergent and rinse with clean water before coating and tackrag to remove fine dust.TECHNICAL SUPPORTFor any preparati<strong>on</strong> or applicati<strong>on</strong> questi<strong>on</strong>s, please callTennant technical support at 800-228-4943 ext. 60751800 226 843 Aust).DISPOSALDispose in accordance with federal, state and localregulati<strong>on</strong>s.PLEASE SEE MATERIAL SAFETY DATASHEET (MSDS) FOR SAFETY ANDPRECAUTIONS.USE PRODUCT AS DIRECTED.KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OFCHILDREN.MAINTENANCE GUIDELINESAllow floor coating to cure at least <strong>on</strong>e weekbefore cleaning by mechanical means (e.g.,sweeper, scrubber, disc machine).Care: Proper maintenance will increase the life and helpmaintain the appearance of your new Tennant floor coating.Sweep and scrub your new coating regularly, as dirt and dustare abrasive and can quickly dull the finish, decreasing thelife of your coating. Remove spills quickly as certainchemicals may stain and could possibly permanently damagethe finish.Use soft nyl<strong>on</strong> brushes or white pads <strong>on</strong> your new floorcoating. Polypropylene or abrasive bristle (Tynex®)brushes can cause premature loss of gloss.Detergent: Tennant has a full range of detergents--generalpurpose to heavy duty--for your cleaning needs. Forassistance in determining which detergent is right for yourfacility or for additi<strong>on</strong>al technical informati<strong>on</strong> call: 800-553-8033 US (1800 226 843 Aust).Cauti<strong>on</strong>: Avoid scratching or gouging the surface. All floorcoatings will scratch if heavy objects are dragged across thesurface.Do not drop heavy or pointed items <strong>on</strong> the floor as this maycausing chipping or c<strong>on</strong>crete popouts in the case of a weakcap.TORFP GJKZ 09-0063 <str<strong>on</strong>g>SOW</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Attachment</str<strong>on</strong>g> DAppendix D Existing <str<strong>on</strong>g>Epoxy</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>Coating</str<strong>on</strong>g> <str<strong>on</strong>g>System</str<strong>on</strong>g> DataRubber tires can permanently stain the floor coating fromplasticizer migrati<strong>on</strong>. Plexiglass® between the tire and thefloor coating can prevent discolorati<strong>on</strong>.Rubber burns from quick stops and starts can heat thecoating to its softening temperature, causing permanentmarking.Repair: Repair gouges or scratches or chip outs as so<strong>on</strong> aspossible to prevent moisture or chemical c<strong>on</strong>taminati<strong>on</strong>.CONDITIONS OF SALE AND LIMITATION OFWARRANTY AND LIABILITYThis warranty applies to all Specialty Surface <str<strong>on</strong>g>Coating</str<strong>on</strong>g>s, withthe following excepti<strong>on</strong>s: Eco-Hard-N-Seal,Eco-EDP (Electrostatic Dissipative Primer),Eco-EDE (Electrostatic Dissipative <str<strong>on</strong>g>Epoxy</str<strong>on</strong>g>), and SDS(Static Dissipative <str<strong>on</strong>g>System</str<strong>on</strong>g>). These products have a separatewarranty policy.Tennant Company warrants its Specialty Surface <str<strong>on</strong>g>Coating</str<strong>on</strong>g>s tobe free from defective manufacture, improper formulati<strong>on</strong>,and defective ingredients. Warranty covers replacement ofmaterials <strong>on</strong>ly.THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERWARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE.In no event shall Tennant or Seller be liable for anyincidental, c<strong>on</strong>sequential, or special damages arising out ofthe use of Tennant Specialty Surface <str<strong>on</strong>g>Coating</str<strong>on</strong>g>s. THE ONLYREMEDY OF THE USER OR BUYER, AND THE ONLYLIABILITY OF TENNANT AND SELLER FOR ANY ANDALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, INJURIES, OR DAMAGES(INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED ON BREACH OFWARRANTY, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICTLIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE) SHALL BE REPLACEMENTOF THE PRODUCT OR, AT THE ELECTION OF TENNANTOR SELLER, RETURN OF THE PURCHASE PRICE.No representative of Tennant has authority to give anyother warranty or assume other liability.The presence of a Tennant employee during the applicati<strong>on</strong>of Tennant’s Specialty Surface <str<strong>on</strong>g>Coating</str<strong>on</strong>g>s does not extend oralter the warranty or limitati<strong>on</strong>s in any manner whatsoever.Eco-PT 250 © Tennant Company 05/21/09 Page 4 of 453 of 57

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