ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki


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<strong>ASE</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, <strong>Release</strong><br />

opt="vbitrate=550:mbd=2:dc=10 -vf unsharp=l:0.4:c:0.0:hqdn3d"<br />

mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vpass=1 -nosound -o /dev/null video_final.a<br />

mencoder video_final.avi -oac mp3lame -af resample=32000:0:2 -lameopts vbr=3:br=80:mode=3<br />

-ovc lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp3lame:vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vpass=2:$opt \<br />

-info name="Overview and installation of <strong>ASE</strong>":artist=<strong>CAMd</strong>:copyright="<strong>CAMd</strong> 2009" -<br />

– convert video_final.avi into a 800x600 swf file for streaming:<br />

ffmpeg -i video_final.avi -pass 1 -s 800x600 -b:a 256k -ar 44100 -ac 1 \<br />

-vcodec flv -b:v 1200k -g 160 -mbd 2 oi_en_800x600.swf<br />

ffmpeg -i video_final.avi -pass 2 -s 800x600 -b:a 256k -ar 44100 -ac 1 \<br />

-vcodec flv -b:v 1200k -g 160 -mbd 2 -y oi_en_800x600.swf<br />

11.1.8 New release<br />

When it is time for a new release of the code, here is what you have to do:<br />

** Warning: use only three digits release numbers, e.g. 3.1.0,<br />

• Checkout the Latest development release.<br />

• Run the tests.<br />

• Make sure version.py has the correct version number.<br />

• Make a tag in svn, using the current version number (to make sure not to include changes done by other<br />

developers in the meantime!):<br />

svn copy -r 845 https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/ase/trunk https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects<br />

Note the resulting tag’s revision tags_revision.<br />

• Checkout the source, specyfing the version number in the directory name:<br />

svn co -r tags_revision https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/ase/tags/3.1.0 ase-3.1.0<br />

• Create the tar file:<br />

cd ase-3.1.0<br />

rm -f MANIFEST ase/svnversion.py*; python setup.py sdist<br />

Note that the tags_revision is put into the name of the tar file automatically. Make sure that you are<br />

getting only tags_revision in the tar file name! Any changes to the source will be reflected as a mixed<br />

or modified revision tag!<br />

• Put the tar file on webX (set it read-able for all):<br />

scp dist/python-ase-3.1.0."tags_revision".tar.gz root@webX:/var/www/wiki/ase-files<br />

• Add a link on News and update the information on the Installation requirements page and the <strong>Release</strong> notes<br />

page.<br />

• Increase the version number in ase/version.py, and commit the change:<br />

cd ~/ase<br />

svn ci -m "Version 3.2.0"<br />

Now the trunk is ready for work on the new version.<br />

• Send announcement email to the ase-users mailing list (see Mailing Lists).<br />

11.1.9 Testing the code<br />

All additions and modifications to <strong>ASE</strong> should be tested.<br />

194 Chapter 11. <strong>ASE</strong> development

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