ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki

ASE Manual Release CAMd - CampOS Wiki


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7.8.2 Molecules<br />

Example:<br />

$ ase abinit H2 -p ecut=200,xc=LDA -F 5,1 --atomize<br />

<strong>ASE</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>, <strong>Release</strong><br />

This will calculate the energy of a H2 molecule using Abinit with a planewave cutoff of 200 eV and the LDA<br />

XC-functional. A fit using 5 points and a variation of the bond length from -1 % to +1 % is made and in addition<br />

the energy of a single hydrogen atom is also calculated.<br />

Results are written to json files and can be analysed with:<br />

$ ase abinit H H2 -s<br />

name E E-E0 d0 hnu Ea Ea0<br />

eV eV Ang meV eV eV<br />

H2 -29.703 0.022 0.770 556.096 4.852 4.873<br />

H -12.426<br />

Note: The json files are simple text files that can be more or less’ed or pretty printed with python -m<br />

json.tool H2-molecule-abinit.jon.<br />

7.8.3 Bulk systems<br />

Example:<br />

$ ase bulk Ni Cu Pd Ag Pt Au -F 5,1<br />

Here we used the default EMT potential and the result is:<br />

$ ase bulk Ni Cu Pd Ag Pt Au -s<br />

name E E-E0 V0 B<br />

eV eV Ang^3 GPa<br />

Ni -0.009 0.005 10.600 175.978<br />

Ag 0.002 0.002 16.775 100.151<br />

Pt -0.000 0.000 15.080 278.087<br />

Au 0.003 0.003 16.684 173.868<br />

Pd 0.000 0.001 14.588 179.105<br />

Cu -0.006 0.001 11.565 134.439<br />

More examples<br />

Anti-ferromagnetic bcc iron:<br />

$ ase vasp bulk -x bcc Fe -C -M 2.3,-2.3 -p xc=PBE -k 8,8,8<br />

Bulk silicon (128 atoms, Gamma point only):<br />

$ ase abinit bulk Si -r 4,4,4 -k 1,1,1 -a 5.46<br />

Bulk aluminum in orthorhombic cell with LDA and fixed rmt:<br />

$ ase elk bulk --orthorhombic Al -k 4,4,4 -a 4.05 -p "swidth=0.1,rmt={’Al’: 1.9}"<br />

7.8.4 Batch jobs<br />

Suppose you want to run a large number of similar calculations like relaxing the structure of all the molecules in<br />

the G2-1 database. You could do that by submitting this job to your compute cluster:<br />

7.8. Command line tools 81

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