Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics


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Material <strong>Physics</strong> 163pressure are reduced. These fuel kernels are surrounded by pyrolytic carbon buffer layer, an innerpyrolytic carbon layer, a SiC (silicon carbide) layer, an outer pyrolytic cabon layer and a protectivepyrolytic carbon layer with several coating layers, in between. The coated fuel particle is a highlysophisticated fission product containment system with a design based on empirical and mechanisticjustifications. The fission products (one <strong>of</strong> them is 109 Ag which is converted to radioactive 110 Agthrough neutron capture) are leaked through these coated layers and therefore, the transport <strong>of</strong>these fission products through SiC is now a challenging problem especially for radioactive wastemanagement. The present work concerns the behavior and mechanisms <strong>of</strong> Ag transport through4H, 6H SiC (hexagonal) and beta-SiC (fcc structures) at high temperatures (2000-2700 ◦ C). Weare using AES, SEM, RBS and SIMS techniques, together with computer simulation, for analysisand diffusion coefficients measurements for silver in SiC and graphites at various temperatures.Purushottam Chakraborty, Johan Malherbe†SP5.1.3.14 Surface studies <strong>of</strong> binary beryllium tungsten mixed materials in view <strong>of</strong> firstwall materials in a fusion deviceBoth Be and W are planned as wall materials for ITER. Although these materials will dominatethe ITER first wall, and despite the fact that their interaction during operation will be dominatedby surface processes, mostly bulk material data on the BeW binary system are available. Thisarticle describes investigations <strong>of</strong> thin films <strong>of</strong> Be deposited on W, the inverse system (W films onBe), as well as experiments where W surfaces are exposed to a Be-seeded deuterium plasma. Theformed alloy phases Be 2 W and Be 12 W are identified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)and depth pr<strong>of</strong>ile data both from sputter-XPS and MeV ion beam analysis are discussed. Theplanned application <strong>of</strong> both metals beryllium and tungsten together as first wall materials <strong>of</strong> thenext step fusion device ITER is based on the foreseen advantageous properties <strong>of</strong> these metals forthe respective locations in the plasma vessel. Erosion, transport, and redeposition <strong>of</strong> both materialsduring operation will lead to transport <strong>of</strong> elements onto surfaces <strong>of</strong> different materials. Due tokinetic energy <strong>of</strong> impinging particles and elevated wall temperatures, alloys and compounds consisting<strong>of</strong> elements present will be formed. These mixed materials exhibit strongly altered physicaland chemical properties compared to the intended properties <strong>of</strong> the pure elements which were originallyinstalled. Of all binary systems considered in previous studies, beryllium tungsten receivedleast attention although Be W alloys bear the potential <strong>of</strong> drastically reduced melting temperaturescompared to pure W. For the formation <strong>of</strong> a binary Be W alloy, two possible scenarios canbe envisaged in a fusion device: deposition <strong>of</strong> tungsten on beryllium surface or vice versa. In thiswork we investigate both Be films deposited on W substrates and the reverse system (W films onBe substrates), as well as the interaction <strong>of</strong> a Be-seeded deuterium plasma with W substrates. Theinteraction <strong>of</strong> the depositing pecies with the substrate is determined by the kinetic energy <strong>of</strong> the incomingparticle and by the substrate temperature. Therefore, in the experiments with thin surfacelayers (Be/W and W/Be), thermal treatments are carried out in vacuum. Subsequently, the surfaceis investigated by ion beam accelerator-based techniques (Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy,RBS, and nuclear reaction analysis, NRA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). By XPSanalysis, additional chemical information on the formed Be phases is gained. The W layers whichwere exposed to Be-seeded plasmas are also analyzed in their chemical and elemental composition

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