Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics


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226 <strong>Biennial</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2005</strong>-07is formed outside a-ZrP. The ac conductivity and dielectric properties are extensively studied atlow temperature up to a frequency <strong>of</strong> 5 MHz. The charge transport process is due to electron andpolaron tunneling. The dielectric response exhibits broad spectra, which are analyzed by Cole-Coledistribution function. The shape <strong>of</strong> dielectric spectra and temperature dependence <strong>of</strong> relaxationtime indicates the relaxor ferroelectric behavior <strong>of</strong> the composite. The microstructure and electricaltransport properties are significantly different from the composite obtained by direct mixing andpolymerizing <strong>of</strong> a-ZrP and aniline monomer.SK De, S De, A DeCSD6.1.9 Radioanlytical & <strong>Nuclear</strong> Chemistry6.1.9.1 Separation <strong>of</strong> trace level Sm and Nd: A prerequisite for measurement <strong>of</strong>146 Sm by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry146 Sm(T 1/2 =108y) is believed to be <strong>of</strong> supernova origin and might be available in Earth crust inultratrace amount as a signature <strong>of</strong> supernova burst. Detection <strong>of</strong> such scanty amount <strong>of</strong> 146 Sm isonly possible by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, if the sample is free from its naturally abundantisobar 146 Nd. We have developed a method <strong>of</strong> separation <strong>of</strong> samarium from neodymium usinga simulated condition where neutron irradiated 153 Sm and 147 Nd were used as precursor <strong>of</strong> thecorresponding elements. The quantitative separation is possible by liquid liquid extraction (LLX)with 1% di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid (HDEHP) from 0.025M HCl.Samir Maji†, Gunther Korschinek†, Birgit Wierczinski†, Susanta LahiriCSD6.1.9.2 Separation <strong>of</strong> no-carrier-added 52 Mn from bulk chromium: A simulation studyfor AMS measurement <strong>of</strong> 53 MnMn-53 (T 1/2 =3 My) is a cosmogenic radionuclide. Measurement <strong>of</strong> concentrations <strong>of</strong> 53 Mn in rocksis advantageous to study earth surface processes because that occurred in a time period during fewmillion years. The main interference in the detection <strong>of</strong> 53 Mn by AMS is its stable isobar 53 Cr,which is million times abundant in nature. Method <strong>of</strong> separation <strong>of</strong> chromium and manganesehas been developed using radiometric simulation. The quantitative separation is possible by LLXtechnique using tri-octylamine (TOA) as the organic reagent and 8M HCl as aqueous phase.Susanta Lahiri, Dalia Nayak, Gunther Korschinek†CSD6.1.9.3 An alternative production and separation <strong>of</strong> astatine radionuclidesAstatine is the least studied halogen amongst its homologues. Astatine-211 is well known forhaving a promising potential to be used in internal radiation therapy for cancer. In this work theproduction <strong>of</strong> 209,210 At radionuclides was done for the first time using medium energy 7 Li beam andsubsequent separation <strong>of</strong> At radionuclides from lead nitrate target using three different methods.The conventional liquid-liquid extraction technique, the aqueous biphasic extraction technique and

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