Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics

Biennial Report 2005-2007 - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics


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<strong>Nuclear</strong> Sciences 43at high angular momentum that is usually ignored in the evaporation formalism. A common prescriptionis to modify the moment <strong>of</strong> inertia in terms <strong>of</strong> two arbitrary parameters. In order to avoidthis arbitrariness, we instead modify the mass at high angular momentum in terms <strong>of</strong> the rotatingliquid drop model. The shortcoming in the calculated spectra can be satisfactorily removed in thismethod.Chinmay BasuNAP2.2 <strong>Nuclear</strong> Spectroscopy & Structure2.2.1 Experimental Studies2.2.1.1 Study <strong>of</strong> the nuclei around A∼120 near proton-drip line at (IUAC), NewDelhiOne <strong>of</strong> the most exciting subjects in contemporary nuclear physics is the study <strong>of</strong> nuclei at thelimits <strong>of</strong> stability. Using stable beam, through fusion evaporation reaction, it is possible to studynuclei near proton-drip line. The main aim <strong>of</strong> this project is to understand the role <strong>of</strong> np residualinteraction near proton drip line. For this purpose, high spin states <strong>of</strong> very neutron-deficient nuclei118 Xe(S p =4.6 MeV), 120 Cs(S p =2.5 MeV), 121 Ba(S p =3.7 MeV) and 121 La(S p = 0.8 MeV) (wherevalence protons are loosely bound) were populated through fusion evaporation reaction 92 Mo( 32 S,xpyn). The 32 S beam at an energy <strong>of</strong> 140 MeV was obtained from 15UD Pelletron machine at NSC,New Delhi. The de-excited gamma-rays <strong>of</strong> the populated nuclei were detected in coincidence mode(γ − γ − t) with GDA (gamma detector array). The data analysis shows that the channels withmajor cross-sections are in agreement with PACE and CASCADE prediction with 10 MeV lowerbeam energy. Detail analysis is in progress.U Datta Pramanik, I Ray, S Basu†, S Bhattacharya, R Bhowmik†, R Kshetri, R Kumar†, AMukherjee, S Mandal†, S Muralithar†, Ranjeet†, M <strong>Saha</strong> Sarkar, RP Singh†NAP2.2.1.2 Structure <strong>of</strong> the Ge and Zn neutron-rich nuclei around N=50 using Clara-Prisma array at LNL, INFN, ItalyDoubly-magic nuclei located in very exotic region <strong>of</strong> the nuclear chart are key elements in thepresent day nuclear-structure studies. The appearance or disappearance <strong>of</strong> shell gaps associatedto “magic” character allows the determination <strong>of</strong> the single-particle energies and <strong>of</strong> the residualinteractions between valence nucleons. Particularly, isotones <strong>of</strong> the N=50 shell are interesting wherea systematic drop <strong>of</strong> the excitation energy <strong>of</strong> the 2 + states has been taken as an indication <strong>of</strong> theonset <strong>of</strong> shell-gap quenching. A eleven days experiment were performed using the ( 82 Se + 238 U)deep-inelastic and multi-nucleon transfer reaction at 515 MeV <strong>of</strong> beam energy, at the CLARA-PRISMA setup to populate the excited states in neutron-rich nuclei Ge, Ga and Zn isotopes withN=50. The analysis seems to indicate the existence <strong>of</strong> still sizable N=50 gap close to 78 Ni.T Faul†, G Duchen†, G de Angelis†, N Marginean†, F Nowacki†, E Sahin†, A Algora†, S Aydin†, FAzaiez†, G Beghini†, G Benzoni†, M Bostan†, A Brondi†, T Byrski†, I Celikovic†, R Chapman†, LCorradi†, S Courtin†, D Curien†, U Datta Pramanik, F Della Vedova†, O Dorvaux†, N Erduran†,S Erturk†, E Farnea†, E Fioretto†, G De France†, S Franchoo†, A Gadea†, et al NAP

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