Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh


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ENGINEER <strong>PEC</strong> September 2007At present the average daily capability of Tarbela is about1700 MW due to low reservoir and average daily feasibility studies and reports.generation is 41 Mkwh. By installing pumping we canenhance the average daily capability to say 3174 Mwwhere as average daily generation can be increased <strong>from</strong>41 Mkwh to 83.4 Mkwh. Load factor of the system willincrease accordingly. Hence Tarbela can be upgraded intwo phases. In first phase only pumping upto 1500 MW isndsuggested and in 2 phase extension 4 of Tarbela becarried out by installation of reversible units. For 100Generatingcumecs of pumping nearly 192 MW motor is required atTerbela. Experts services are available in the market.Even for Mangla and Barotha powerhouses, it appearsfeasible that by installing the pumping arrangements andproviding suitable downstream ponding weirs, the hydelcapability can be increased to 5340 MW and average dailyhydel generation can be enhanced to 128.16 Mkwh. Aproper feasibility study should be carried out.Construction of future dams through conventional design,method /systems at Indus/Jhelum rivers cannot increasethe load factor, and hence, it cannot decrease the unit costof generation. Therefore, there is pressing need thatconventional design be changed, and about 45% provisionof the pumped storage generation be incorporated in allthe future plants.Other Requirements / ImplicationsThis is a Concept Paper and, the other important aspectssuch as type and working of plant, site selection, lakeclassification / machinery and power house for pumpedstorage plants should be taken care of through properLowerreservoirPumped storagepower plantUpperreservoirPumpingFigure 6 Pumped storage scheme configurationPumped storage stations can adopt a number of roleswithin the operation of an electrical supply grid, and canperform some of these roles concurrently. It is common forthe operation of pumped storage plant to vary over time asthey are to respond to changing market conditions.(Annex-2)31

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