Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh


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ENGINEER <strong>PEC</strong> September 200722.2 Internal Resource Generation Development: The Response to Change, In: United23. Research and PublicationsNations Industrial Development Organization 3023.1 Faculty Research Grantyears of industrial development 1966-1996, Ed:23.2 Effective Utilization of Research Grant and itsBrennan P.J. and Weston G. Published by ISC inNet Outcomeassociation with UNIDO London UK pp. 380-38923.3 Faculty Publications in HEC Approved Journals5. Sandholm, Lennart, (2000). Quality In DevelopingCountries In: Juran’s quality control Hand book 4th23.4 Continuity of Faculty Researchedition ed. Juran J.M. and Gryna F.M. McGraw Hill inc.23.5 Academic Collaboration6. Wilson, Steven R. (1995). The Quest for23.6 Textbooks Written by Faculty MembersRecognizable Standard: New path in Quality,23.7 Budgetary Allocation for Conferences, Standardization and Metrology, In: United NationsSeminars, Colloquium etc.Industrial Development Organization 30 years of23.8 Computer and Internet Facilities industrial development 1966-1996, Ed: Brennan P.J.23.9 Accessibility of Faculty/Students to and Weston G. Published by ISC in association withComputers/Internet Facilities and International UNIDO London UK pp. 362-371Databases 7. Vincent, K.O. and Joel E.R. (2004). Principles of Total24. Industrial Linkage Quality, London Kogan Pages Ltd24.1 Industrial Liaison Office8. www.abet.org24.2 Commercialization of Research Findings9. www.iso.google25. Website10. www.pec.org.pk11. Yung, Winco K. C. (1997). The Value of TQM in theAnnexure ‘E’Revised ISO 9000 Quality System, InternationalJournal of Operation & Production Managementvolume 17 issue 2 pp. 221-230INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITETION CRITERIA SETFOR ENGINEERINGAbout Author<strong>PEC</strong> Registration. No: ME3640(ABET Criteria set)General for Criteria for Basic Level Programs<strong>Dr</strong>. Nawar Khan is a professional1. Criterion 1. StudentMechanical Engineer. He graduated2. Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives<strong>from</strong> the University of Engineering and3. Criterion 3. Program Outcomes and AssessmentTechnology Peshawar in 1981 and4. Criterion 4. Professional Componentlater did his MSc Mechanical5. Criterion 5. FacultyE n g i n e e r i n g ( S p e c i a l i z e d i n6. Criterion 6. FacilitiesProduction Engineering) <strong>from</strong> the7. Criterion 7 Institutional Support and FinancialUniversity of Engineering and Technology Lahore in 1995.Resources<strong>Dr</strong> Nawar Khan completed his Ph.D under a split Ph.Dprogram of MoST <strong>from</strong> the University of Engineering and8. Criterion 8. Program CriteriaTechnology Lahore and De Montfort University, LeicesterUK in August 1999. His field of specialization is Total14. REFERENCESQuality Management (TQM), particularly the ‘Quality1. Eicher L. D. and Mikil R. (1993). Perception Of Quality Awards’. He has got his MBA degree, specialized in HRM,In The Developing Countries In: ISO 9000 Quality in January 2005 <strong>from</strong> Allama Iqbal Open UniversityManagement System, UNCTAD/GATT and ISO joint Islamabad. He is also a Certified Quality Assurance Leadpublication Geneva SwitzerlandAuditor for ISO 9000:2000. He is author of a number of2. Hewitt, Tom and Wield David (1995). Technological national and international research publications. <strong>Dr</strong> NawarCapabilities and Competitiveness. Two Needs That Khan is also the Principal Investigator of Pakistan NationalDefy Measurement In: United Nations Industrial Quality Award (PNQA) project for Higher EducationDevelopment Organization 30 years of industrial Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. He is a member ofdevelopment 1966-1996, Ed: Brennan P.J. and Institute of Engineers, Pakistan and lifetime member ofWeston G. Published by ISC in association with Pakistan Engineering Council. Presently, he is serving asUNIDO London UK pp. 330-337Professor at the College of Electrical and Mechanical3. Nawar, Khan and <strong>Sheikh</strong>, M.A. R. (October 1997). Engineering, Peshawar Road Rawalpindi, a constituentISO 9000 - The Core of TQM for A Developing College of the National University of Sciences andCountry. In: Proceedings of Pakistan’s Third Technology (NUST), Pakistan.International Convention on Quality Control. Lahore:Ibrahim Publisher pp.333 - 3474. Prokopenko, Joseph (1995). Human Resources61

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