Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh


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ENGINEER <strong>PEC</strong> September 2007ISO 9000 QMS is a certification, third party audit and College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineeringdocumentation based standard. It is applicable to all sizes Pakistan Naval Engineering Collegeand types of institutions. It has comprehensive quality College of Aeronautical Engineeringcriteria set based on quality principles for managementand assurance of education services. It can bring 7. NATIONAL QUALITY ENHANCEMENT ANDconsistency in documentations, procedures, processesASSURANCE SYSTEMand quality of services in the educational institutions. ISOContinual Improvement of the9000 QMS standard provides opportunities for qualityQuality Management Systemimprovement through periodic audits and reviews.Pakistan has adopted ISO 9000 QMS standard asPakistan Standard (PS 3000) in 1990. ISO 9000 standardis generic in nature that can be applied to all functions,types and sizes of organizations, <strong>from</strong> manufacturing tobanking to education to chemical industry etc.ISO 9001:2000 QMS standard has a number of clausesand sub clauses which are listed in Annex B. However,their detailed descriptions are available on website‘www.iso.google’ or can be obtained either <strong>from</strong> nationalstandard body of respective country or ISO Headquarters.There are a total of eight clauses in the ISO 9001:2000QMS standard QMS.5. QUALITY PRINCIPLES OF ISO 9000 QUALITY Higher Education Commission (HEC) has recentlyMANAGEMENT SYSTEMpublished its quality enhancement and assurance criteriafor self assessment in higher learning bodies as shown inA number of quality principles provide the base for Annex C(ww.hec.edu.org.pk. The aim of this system is toachievements of continuous improvement objectives of improve and enhance the standard of quality in higherany institution. (Vincent, & Joel, 2004 and Yung, 1997):-education to the world class.Customer Focused 8. QUALITY ACCREDITETION BODIES ANDLeadershipSYSTEMSInvolvement of PeopleProcess Approachhere are a number of accreditation institutions in theSystem Approach of Managementcountry and abroad that accredit the QMS of learningContinual Improvementbodies. These are as followsFactual Approach to Decision MakingMutually Beneficial Supplier RelationshipPMDC for Accrediting Engineering and MedicalEducation in Pakistan (<strong>PEC</strong> Form AC-1)6. CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT MODELAccreditation Board of Engineering & TechnologyFOR EDUCATION(ABET)An ‘ISO 9000 Process Approach Model’ for continuousAssociation of Advance Collegiate Schools ofquality improvement and assurance is shown in Figure 1.Business (AACSB)Here, the customer requirements are converted throughComputer Science Accreditation Board (CSAB)education process into outcome (quality graduate) forcustomer satisfaction. However, continuous quality<strong>PEC</strong> has its own criteria set for accreditation ofimprovements of all aspects of education processes is theengineering education in the country as shown in Annex Dessence of this quality excellence process model.(www.pec.org.pk).CUSTOMERRequirementsResourceManagementManagementResponsibilityEducationProcess ControlPerformanceMeasurementAnalysis andImprovementGraduateFig. 1: ISO 9000 Continuous QualityImprovement ModelCUSTOMERSatisfactionNUST is one of the public sector universities which took theinitiative to adopt ISO 9000 QMS standard for qualityassurance of education system being followed in itsdifferent constituent colleges, centers and institutions asfollows:-9. INTERNATIONAL QUALITY ACCREDITETIONSYSTEMABET is a well known accreditation body for education inengineering. Its accreditation criteria set is shown in nnexE(ww.abet.org.56

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