Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh

Message from Chairman PEC Engr. Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh


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ENGINEER <strong>PEC</strong> September 2007and codes of conducts can be implemented through GERhttp://www.nap.edu/catalog/11220.htmlin a far more controlled manner than the on going 3. http://www.pec.org.pkpractices. It is like the international credit card system. Any 4. http://www.abet.org/bank defaulter can not hide anywhere in the member 5. http://www.engc.org.uk/countries. All the engineers will have record in international 6. http://www.feani.org/FEANIindex.htmdatabase and the fudge degrees and degree programs will 7. http://www.ccpe.ca/e/ccpe_boards_2.cfmbe identified. Today fake degree holders have access to 8. http://www.ieaust.org.au/even HEC database as members of curriculum and 9. http://www.bcs.org/BCS/MembersArea/coordination committees to decide engineering course for 10. http://www.ceenetwork.hu/a_about.html.the <strong>PEC</strong> accredited and recognized programs. Private 11. http://www.ecaconsortium.net.sector will have better chance of conducting business in 12. http://www.enic-naric.net.education sector without focal attention of the <strong>PEC</strong>. The 13. http://www.enqa.net.idea has already progressed well towards the concept of 14. h t t p : / / w w w. i p e n z . o r g . n z / i p e n z / f o r m s / p d f s /GER in different continents [21-24].EMF_Agreement.pdf.15. http://www.usciep.org/what_is.shtml.4. Conclusions 16. http://www.ecsa.co.za/17. http://www.hkie.org.hk/Existing police man role of <strong>PEC</strong> is appreciated in the 18. h t t p : / / w w w. w a s h i n g t o n a c c o r d . o r g / w a s h _context of geographical traditions but it needs to extend itsaccord_faq.html.role towards ultimate global authority by increasing 19. http://www.iei.ie/WebPages/PageDetails.pasp?linkages between other intercontinental engineeringpageid=1profession regulatory bodies in East and West to 20. http://www.ecsa.co.za/International/4Sydneystandardize international recognition of our professionalAccord/Thornybush_report.htmqualification practicing licenses in the form of <strong>PEC</strong> 21. EMF (Engineers Mobility Forum). 2003. A Review ofregistration certificate. Individual universities can alsoRecognition Systems for Professional Engineers. Inapproach to ABET, FEANI or CEAB for accrediting theirGlobal Challenges in Engineering Education:engineering education programs but that will drain lot of Proceedings of the 2003.national revenue abroad. Our neighbor countries like 22. N. Khan, Z. Saleem and A. A. Mirza,” PowerMalaysia and Singapore have sought but Bangladesh andEngineering Education Scenario”, PES AnnualIndia have applied for the membership of WashingtonMeeting, Poster paper, Montreal, Canada, 18-22 JuneAccord. <strong>PEC</strong> on behalf of Pakistan can also apply for the 2006.ultimate betterment of the <strong>PEC</strong> members and the country. 23. Erwin Educating the Engineer of 2020, Committee ofAlthough, it is all skepticism but still we have to live with theEngineer 2020: National Academy of Engineering,same neighbors therefore it is advisable to consider it as 2005.an issue that needs solution. As long as <strong>PEC</strong> does not 24. Kevin Sweeney,” International Recognition ofaccredit itself to world accrediting authorities it should seekEngineering Degrees, Programs, and Accreditationbenefit of accrediting policy for the electronics programsSystems”, Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adaptingproducing lot many graduates that can be suitable exportEngineering Education to the New Century Committeequality products. General <strong>PEC</strong> role is reasonablyon the Engineer of 2020, Phase II, Committee onacceptable but it should focus on integration of emergingEngineering Education, National Academy oftechnologies and engineering branches such as photonicsEngineering, PP.engineering to increase spectral bandwidth of engineeringprofile in the country. Enabling technologies such as neuralnetwork, adaptive control, fuzzy logic, photonics,About Authorintegrated optics, micro-machined sensors, Registration No. <strong>PEC</strong> (Elect/4685)nanotechnology, laser engineering and biomedical <strong>Dr</strong>. Nasrullah Khan (59); Senior Memberengineering need to be encouraged to enhance initiation of IEEE (00625749); President’s Award ofabove programs. Orthodox approach to seek job Pride of Performance (2006); Memberopportunities before starting programs needs to be IEP; Registered with <strong>PEC</strong> (Elect/4685);discouraged to develop space of new era technologies.acquired his BSC Electrical Engineering Degree (84) <strong>from</strong>5. ReferencesUET Lahore, MSC (87) <strong>from</strong> Reading University (UK) andPhD (92) <strong>from</strong> Essex University UK. He has 23 years workand teaching experience with 5 books and 130 research1. Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on leading edge publications. Currently, he is working as a Professor in thetechnologies, National Academy of Engineering. Department of Electrical Engineering, FUUASTNational Academy of Engineering, 2006.Islamabad. His areas of research include Electro-Optics2. Tenth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering, and Lasers, Optoelectronics, Protective Relaying andNational Academy of Engineering, 2005: Electric Power Quality.53

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