King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma


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The central theme in the majority of the above edicts is thewelfare of the Saṅgha. The opening lines of the Bhabru RockEdict refer to Aśoka’s reverence for the Buddha, Dhamma <strong>and</strong>Saṅgha: “<strong>King</strong> Piyadassī of Magadha expresses his respectfulgreetings to the Saṅgha <strong>and</strong> enquires after their health, wellbeing<strong>and</strong> general comfort. Sirs, the extent of my reverence<strong>and</strong> devotion to the Buddha, Dhamma, <strong>and</strong> Saṅgha is knownto you. Whatever, Sirs, has been declared by the Buddha, theExalted One, has been well declared. And, Sirs, what may bepointed out by me that the good Teaching shall endure for long,that I deserve to say.” 1 He next proceeds to prescribe seven disquisitionsof the Dhamma to be learned <strong>and</strong> retained in mindby monks <strong>and</strong> nuns <strong>and</strong> lay male <strong>and</strong> female disciples. 2The Minor Pillar Edicts of Sārnāth, Kosambī <strong>and</strong> Sañci aresimilar to one another as regards their contents. The unity ofthe Saṅgha <strong>and</strong> the punishment meted out to those who causedissension in the Saṅgha find mention in them. The SārnāthEdict, though a line or two are partially defaced, says: “InPāṭa(liputta)…. (It shall not be possible) for any one to dividethe Saṅgha. Whosoever monk or nun will divide the Saṅghashall be made to wear white garments <strong>and</strong> compelled to livein a non-monastic dwelling. Thus this comm<strong>and</strong> shall be communicatedto the Saṅgha of both monks <strong>and</strong> of nuns.” Next heinstructs as to where the edict should be posted <strong>and</strong> enjoinsthe Mahāmātras to enforce the rule of expelling the schismatics.The Kosambī Edict, though brief, in essence containsthe same injunction: “The Mahāmattas of Kosambī (are comm<strong>and</strong>ed)….(the Saṅgha) has been united…. is not to be foundamong the Saṅgha…. Whosoever monk or nun will divide theSaṅgha shall be made to wear white garments <strong>and</strong> compelledto live in a non-monastic dwelling.” The Sañci version goes one93

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