King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma


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5. The Sri Lanka-Kalinga TieThe political relationship between Sri Lanka <strong>and</strong> India duringthis period is very important in order to assess the religiousdevelopments in the years that followed. The conquest ofKalinga by Aśoka probably had a political impact on Sri Lankabecause of the ethnic relationship between the two countries.It seems probable that Sri Lanka’s political <strong>and</strong> cultural relationshipswith the Kalingas at the time would have encouragedboth Aśoka <strong>and</strong> Tissa to develop a close <strong>and</strong> friendlyalliance. There is no reference to the Kalinga war in the SriLankan chronicles. Rock Edict XIII of Aśoka clearly states thatthe war took place in the ninth regnal year of Aśoka, probably260 B.C. Before the Kalinga war there would have been a constantinflux of Kalinga immigrants to Sri Lanka. This numberwould have increased during the war because of the miserycaused to the people <strong>and</strong> the loss of human life. The missionaryactivities of the Elder Mahinda <strong>and</strong> the diplomatic mission ofthe two kings succeeded without any problem because of thecommon cultural ties between the two states.It is now known that the language <strong>and</strong> script of the earlySinhalese <strong>and</strong> Kalingas during the Aśoka-Tissa reign havemuch in common. This made it possible for the religious missionariesto undertake a responsibility which required thatthey enter into direct dialogue with the royalty <strong>and</strong> the commonman. The presence of a large number of immigrants fromthe northeastern part of India at the time in the “realm of thekings” (rajaraṭa) in Sri Lanka may have been the main factor.Further, if we assume that there was a large Sinhala populationof Kalinga origin in Sri Lanka at this time, then it might be heldthat Aśoka, troubled by a guilty conscience over the massacre122

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