King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma


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B. Later DevelopmentsWe have looked so far at a number of differences between theMahāvaṃsa <strong>and</strong> the Aśokāvadāna versions of the Aśoka legend<strong>and</strong> seen several factors operating in these two texts <strong>and</strong>affecting the way in which they present the story. On the oneh<strong>and</strong>, different attitudes towards kingship have caused differentrenditions of Aśoka’s acts of merit in a past life. On theother h<strong>and</strong>, the Mahāvaṃsa’s concern with exalting Sri Lanka,its <strong>Buddhism</strong> <strong>and</strong> its royalty, has brought about a differencein accounts of the Bodhi Tree <strong>and</strong> the relics. Finally, a differencein interest in the “rūpalogical” <strong>and</strong> the “dharmalogical”dimensions has led to differences in details in the story of theeighty-four thous<strong>and</strong> stūpas or vihāras.A similar analysis, with different conclusions as to detailsperhaps, could no doubt be made of other contemporaryrenditions of the Aśoka legend, such as those found in theDīpavaṃsa <strong>and</strong> the A-yü wang chuan. What I would rather dohere, however, is look at somewhat later traditions. Obviously,the stories we have examined thus far did not cease developingwith the Aśokāvadāna <strong>and</strong> the Mahāvaṃsa; they continuedto be reworked in subsequent Buddhist literature in Sri Lanka<strong>and</strong> in India, as well as in Southeast Asia, Tibet <strong>and</strong> China. Inthe second part of this paper, therefore, we will need to examinein detail some of these later stages of the tradition <strong>and</strong> seewhat more they can tell us about the ongoing <strong>and</strong> evolvingimage of Aśoka.1. The Gift of Dirt ReconsideredWe emphasized, in our initial discussion of Aśoka’s gift of dirt,the negative connotations of this ambiguous act, <strong>and</strong> showed162

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