King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma

King Asoka and Buddhism - Urban Dharma


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I have drawn closer to the Sangha <strong>and</strong> have becomemore ardent.” Thapar, p. 259.49. Mhv., V, 78. All Buddhist sources, Pali <strong>and</strong> Sanskrit, speakof 84,000 Vihāras. Sanskrit sources call them <strong>Dharma</strong>rājikas.The Vihara ascribed to Aśoka in Taxila is knownas <strong>Dharma</strong>rājika Vihāra. Chinese tradition gives thefigure as 80,000. Cf. Edkins, p. 105.50. Mhv., V, 201 – 206; XIII – XX. The most controversial issueamong Aśokan scholars has been the identity <strong>and</strong> authenticityof Mahinda <strong>and</strong> Saṅghamittā. Their names as wellas their roles <strong>and</strong> achievements have been mentioned onlyin Sri Lankan sources. Traditions recorded by Chinese pilgrimshave introduced further confusions. Early scholars,who had no idea of the Buddhist practice of renamingpersons entering the Sangha, considered the nameSanghamittā (a friend of the Sangha) to be a later fabrication.Cf. names like Sanghadāsi (Jataka VI, p. 481 <strong>and</strong>Dhammapadaṭṭhakathā I, p. 396), Sanghadāyikā (ApadānaII, p. 655) <strong>and</strong> Sanghā (Therīgāthā, verse 18). These werenames of people who were not adherents of <strong>Buddhism</strong>.51. Both the Sri Lankan Pali sources <strong>and</strong> those of the NorthernBuddhists (e.g. Divyāvadāna) agree on the figure96 crores as the sum spent by Aśoka on his massiveprogramme of constructing Vihāras, etc. Mhv., V, 79 – 80.Regarding the impact of his generosity on the Sangha,see V, 228 – 56.52. Mhv., XII, XVIII, XIX.53. MRE XIII231

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