2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE


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<strong>ZTE</strong> CORPORATIONDirectors, Supervisors, Senior Management and EmployeesMr. Zhang Junchao, born 1953, is Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Zhang graduated from Department(I) of Electronic and Wireless Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1977 and currently holds the title of researcher.Mr. Zhang served as the deputy head of Foundational Electronic Technology Institute of China Aerospace Scienceand Technology Corporation from 2000 to March 2003, and has been head of Shaanxi Management Divisionof China Aerospace Times Electronics Corporation (renamed as “China Academy of Aerospace ElectronicsTechnology”) and head of Xi’an Microelectronics Technology Institute since May 2003. He has been deputy headof China Academy of Aerospace Electronic Technology since September 2010 and Non-executive Director of theCompany since February 2004. He is concurrently vice chairman of Zhongxingxin. Mr. Zhang has substantialexperience in management and business operations.Mr. Dong Lianbo, born 1957, is Non-executive Director of the Company. Mr. Dong graduated from NortheasternUniversity in 2001 majoring in Business Administration and currently holds the titles of researcher-grade seniorengineer. Mr. Dong served as director and deputy general manager of Shenyang Aerospace Xinguang Groupfrom 2001 to 2002, deputy team head of the Shenzhen Business Integration Working Group of China AerospaceScience and Industry Corporation from 2002 to 2003 and director and deputy general manager of AerospaceTechnology Shenzhen (Group) Co., Ltd. since 2003. He has been Non-executive Director of the Company sinceFebruary 2004 and is concurrently director of Zhongxingxin. Mr. Dong has substantial experience in managementand business operations.Mr. Shi Lirong, born 1964, is Executive Director and President of the Company. Mr. Shi graduated from TsinghuaUniversity in 1984 majoring in wireless and information technology with a bachelor’s degree and Shanghai JiaotongUniversity in 1989 majoring in telecommunications and electronic engineering with a master’s degree, and currentlyholds the title of senior engineer. Mr. Shi served as an engineer and head of the production department in ShenzhenZhongxing Semiconductor Co., Ltd. from 1989 to 1993. From 1993 to 1997, he was deputy general manager ofZhongxingxin. He was in charge of the Company’s overall marketing operations from 1997 to 2007 and, since2007, the Company’s global sales. He has been Executive Director of the Company since February 2001 andPresident of the Company since March 2010. Mr. Shi has many years of experience in the telecommunicationsindustry and over 22 years of management experience.Mr. Yin Yimin, born 1963, is Executive Director of the Company. Mr. Yin graduated from the Nanjing Institute ofPosts and Telecommunications (now known as Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications) in 1988 witha master’s degree in engineering, majoring in telecommunications and electronic systems, and currently holds thetitle of senior engineer. Mr. Yin had served as a manager of the research and development department of ShenzhenZhongxing Semiconductor Co., Ltd. since 1991, and as deputy general manager of Zhongxingxin between 1993 and1997. From 1997 to March 2010 he served as the Company’s Vice President, Senior Vice President and President,being in charge of different divisions such as research and development, marketing, sales and handsets operations.He has been Executive Director of the Company since November 1997. He has many years of experience in theoperation of telecommunications business and over 22 years of management experience.Mr. He Shiyou, born 1966, is Executive Director and Executive Vice President of the Company currently in chargeof the Company’s handset business. Mr. He graduated from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunicationsin 1990 with a master’s degree in engineering, specialising in electromagnetic field and microwave technologyand currently holds the title of senior engineer. Mr. He joined Zhongxingxin in 1993 and had since served as chiefengineer of the Nanjing Research Centre and deputy head of the Shanghai Research Centre. He was the Company’sVice President from 1998 to 1999, responsible for divisions such as research and development and marketing.Since 1999, he has served as a Senior Vice President of the Company responsible for Sales Division II and theHandset Division of the Company. He has been Executive Director of the Company since February 2001. He hasmany years of experience in the telecommunications industry as well as over 20 years of management experience.104

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