2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE


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<strong>ZTE</strong> CORPORATIONConsolidated Statement of Changes in Equity(Prepared in accordance with PRC ASBEs)(All amounts in RMB’000 unless otherwise stated)(English translation for reference only)<strong>2012</strong>Equity attributable to equity holders of the parentShareCapitalCapitalReserveRestrictedSharessubject tolock-upSurplusreserveRetainedprofitsProposedFinaldividendsForeigncurrencytranslationdifferences Sub-totalMinorityinterestsTotalshareholders’equityI. Current year’s opening balance 3,440,078 8,539,807 (40,537) 1,587,891 10,545,984 686,190 (527,696) 24,231,717 2,057,058 26,288,775II. Changes during the year(1) Net profit/(loss) — — — — (2,840,962) — — (2,840,962) 236,341 (2,604,621)(2) Other comprehensive income — 792,658 — — — — (55,003) 737,655 20,725 758,380Total comprehensive income — 792,658 — — (2,840,962) — (55,003) (2,103,307) 257,066 (1,846,241)(3) Shareholder’s capital injection andcapital reduction1. Capital injection from shareholders — 13,456 40,537 — — — — 53,993 9,502 63,4952. Equity settled share expensescharged to equity — 6,722 — — — — — 6,722 — 6,7223. Disposal of subsidiaries — — — (461) — — — (461) (384,860) (385,321)4. Acquisition of minority interests — — — — — — — — (576,637) (576,637)(4) Profit appropriation1. Appropriation to surplus reserves — — — — — — — — — —2. Distribution to shareholders — — — — — (686,190) — (686,190) (225,873) (912,063)3. Proposed final dividends — — — — — — — — — —4. Others — — — — — — — — — —(5) Transfer of shareholders’ equity1. Transfer of capital reserve to sharecapital — — — — — — — — — —2. Transfer of surplus reserves toshare capital — — — — — — — — — —3. Surplus reserves making up oflosses — — — — — — — — — —III. Current year’s closing balance 3,440,078 9,352,643 — 1,587,430 7,705,022 — (582,699) 21,502,474 1,136,256 22,638,7302011Equity attributable to equity holders of the parentRestrictedForeignSharesProposed currencysubject to Surplus Retained Final translationlock-up reserve profits dividends differencesTotalshareholders’equityShareCapitalCapitalReserveSub-totalMinorityinterestsI. Current year’s opening balance 2,866,732 9,070,975 (276,266) 1,537,512 9,222,387 841,297 (168,765) 23,093,872 1,868,126 24,961,998II.Changes during the year(1) Net profit — — — — 2,060,166 — — 2,060,166 182,927 2,243,093(2) Other comprehensive income — (4,120) — — — — (358,931) (363,051) 12,864 (350,187)Total comprehensive income — (4,120) — — 2,060,166 — (358,931) 1,697,115 195,791 1,892,906(3) Shareholder’s capital injection andcapital reduction1. Capital injection from shareholders — 4,477 235,729 — — — — 240,206 8,711 248,9172. Equity settled share expensescharged to equity — 41,821 — — — — — 41,821 — 41,8213. Disposal of subsidiaries — — — — — — — — 95,703 95,703(4) Profit appropriation1. Appropriation to surplus reserves — — — 50,379 (50,379) — — — — —2. Distribution to shareholders — — — — — (841,297) — (841,297) (111,273) (952,570)3. Proposed final dividends — — — — (686,190) 686,190 — — — —4. Others — — — — — — — — — —(5) Transfer of shareholders’ equity1. Transfer of capital reserve to sharecapital 573,346 (573,346) — — — — — — — —2. Transfer of surplus reserves toshare capital — — — — — — — — — —3. Surplus reserves making up oflosses — — — — — — — — — —III. Current year’s closing balance 3,440,078 8,539,807 (40,537) 1,587,891 10,545,984 686,190 (527,696) 24,231,717 2,057,058 26,288,775154

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