2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE


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<strong>ZTE</strong> CORPORATIONCash Flow Statement(Prepared in accordance with PRC ASBEs)(All amounts in RMB’000 unless otherwise stated)(English translation for reference only)I. Cash flows from operating activitiesII.III.Note XIII <strong>2012</strong> 2011Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 71,226,674 72,514,920Refunds of taxes 5,350,217 4,554,588Cash received relating to other operating activities 371,771 4,116,964Sub-total of cash inflows 76,948,662 81,186,472Cash paid for goods and services 66,348,554 66,899,632Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 4,980,404 5,027,952Cash paid for all types of taxes 753,781 676,342Cash paid relating to other operating activities 4,946,799 6,526,821Sub-total of cash outflows 77,029,538 79,130,747Net cash flows from operating activities 8 (80,876) 2,055,725Cash flows from investing activitiesCash received from sale of investments — 1,329,699Cash received from return on investments 237,030 124,088Cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangibleassets and other long-term assets, net 13,791 86,207Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries 1,441,534 —Sub-total of cash inflows 1,692,355 1,539,994Cash paid to acquisition of fixed asset, intangible assetsand other long term assets 953,535 2,064,261Cash paid for acquisition of investments 1,689,990 1,763,675Sub-total of cash outflows 2,643,525 3,827,936Net cash flows from investing activities (951,170) (2,287,942)Cash flows from financing activitiesCash received from capital injection — —Cash received from borrowings 25,619,869 14,933,865Sub-total of cash inflows 25,619,869 14,933,865Cash repayment of borrowings 20,680,559 8,987,158Cash payments for distribution of dividends, profits and forinterest expenses 1,848,438 1,681,469Sub-total of cash outflows 22,528,997 10,668,627Net cash flows from financing activities 3,090,872 4,265,238IV. Effect of changes in foreign exchange rate on cash andcash equivalents (59,123) (261,444)V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 1,999,703 3,771,577Add: cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 13,276,734 9,505,157VI. Net balance of cash and cash equivalents 15,276,437 13,276,734160

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