2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE


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ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2012</strong>Notes to Financial Statements (continued)(Prepared in accordance with PRC ASBEs)(All amounts in RMB’000 unless otherwise stated)(English translation for reference only)VI.RELATIONSHIPS AND TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued)7. Balances of amounts due from/to related parties (continued)Item Name of related parties <strong>2012</strong> 2011Advancedreceipts<strong>ZTE</strong> Software Technology (Nanchang) CompanyLimited 5,327 5,323Zhongxing Intelligent Transport System (Wuxi)Company Limited* — 4,924普 興 移 動 通 訊 設 備 有 限 公 司 777 —Xi’an Microelectronics Technology ResearchInstitute 2 2北 京 協 力 超 越 科 技 有 限 公 司 98 54南 京 中 興 群 力 信 息 科 技 有 限 公 司 302 360Shenzhen Zhongxingxin TelecommunicationsEquipment Company Limited — 588深 圳 市 中 興 環 境 儀 器 有 限 公 司 112 —6,618 11,251Other payables Shenzhen Zhongxing Xinyu FPC CompanyLimited 31 31Shenzhen Zhongxing WXT EquipmentCompany Limited 12 12Shenzhen Zhongxing Information CompanyLimited 48 48Zhongxing Energy (Hubei) Company Limited 53 53Zhongxing Development Company Limited** 215 215Shenzhen Zhongxingxin TelecommunicationsEquipment Company Limited 1,363 2,363深 圳 市 中 興 昆 騰 有 限 公 司 201 —1,923 2,722Dividendpayable深 圳 市 和 康 投 資 管 理 有 限 公 司 6,750 —Shenzhen Zhongxingxin TelecommunicationsEquipment Company Limited — 1,1496,750 1,149Amounts due from/to related parties were interest-free, unsecured and had no fixed term of repayment.265

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