2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE

2012 Annual Report - ZTE


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<strong>ZTE</strong> CORPORATIONNotes to Financial Statements (continued)(Prepared in accordance with PRC ASBEs)(All amounts in RMB’000 unless otherwise stated)(English translation for reference only)XIII. EXPLANATORY NOTES TO MAJOR ITEMS IN THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued)1. Trade receivables (continued)There was no write-back or recovery of individually significant trade receivables, for which bad debtprovision had been individually made, in <strong>2012</strong> (2011: Nil).Top 5 accounts of trade receivables as at 31 December <strong>2012</strong> were as follows:CustomerAmountAs a percentageof the totalamount of tradereceivablesCustomer 1 5,047,855 13.64%Customer 2 3,184,500 8.61%Customer 3 2,080,124 5.62%Customer 4 1,814,363 4.90%Customer 5 1,772,403 4.79%Total 13,899,245 37.56%As at 31 December <strong>2012</strong>, trade receivables amounting to RMB101,437,000 were due from shareholdersholding 5% or more in the voting shares (31 December 2011: RMB102,479,000).Transfer of trade receivables that did not qualify for derecognition was separately classified as “Factoredtrade receivables” and “Bank advances on factored trade receivables”. Factored trade receivablesamounts to RMB3,545,295,000 (31 December 2011: RMB3,306,558,000). Bank advances on factoredtrade receivables amounts to RMB3,548,713,000 (31 December 2011: RMB3,473,193,000)2. Other receivablesThe aging analysis of other receivables:<strong>2012</strong> 2011Within 1 year 3,286,587 3,181,6431 to 2 years 968,400 63,2032 to 3 years 63,202 115,459Over 3 years 232,859 117,4014,551,048 3,477,706Less: Bad debt provision for other receivables — —4,551,048 3,477,706296

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