Volume I: Investment Prospectus Rwanda Electricity Sector Access ...

Volume I: Investment Prospectus Rwanda Electricity Sector Access ...

Volume I: Investment Prospectus Rwanda Electricity Sector Access ...

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A series of important conclusions on the priorities for the access programme can be drawnfrom this geospatial planning exercise:• Focus on communities close to the existing network—<strong>Rwanda</strong> is fortunateto have a relatively well-developed MV transmission network, with more than 60percent of the population within five kilometres of the grid. Over 95 percent ofplanned new connections to 2012 are within five kilometres of the existing grid• Focus initially on more densely populated areas—New connections willinitially be made in the urban area of Kigali and peri-urban areas in the northeastof the country. This will help to minimise programme costs and maximiseeconomic opportunities• Connect social facilities with solar PV in remote areas—To reach theGovernment’s targets for supplying electricity to schools, health centres andadministrative offices, social facilities falling outside the areas that will be reachedby the grid will have solar PV units. This will help to ensure that the benefits ofelectricity are accessed by all <strong>Rwanda</strong>ns citizens.Estimated Cost of <strong>Access</strong> ProgrammeThe cost of each component within the access programme has been estimated by analysingthe costs incurred in recent electrification projects in <strong>Rwanda</strong>, and discussing componentcosts with local and regional suppliers. Recent electrification projects in <strong>Rwanda</strong> have beenexpensive, and this <strong>Prospectus</strong> accounts for cost reductions that are expected to be achievedthrough the access programme’s scale and by revising technical specifications.Table A: Capital Costs of <strong>Electricity</strong> <strong>Access</strong> Programme (2009–2013)Programme Component<strong>Investment</strong>(US$ million)Technical Assistance(US$ million)Total(US$ million)MV Line Extensions 104.3 0.9 105.2Expansion Connections 70.8 0.8 71.6Micro Hydro Supply Systems 54.3 0.5 54.8Infill Connections 52.4 0.4 52.8MV Strengthening 34.6 0.4 26.4Solar PV Units 26.2 0.2 35.0RECO Strategic Plan and Training 0 19.5 19.5Other Technical Assistance to MININFRA 0 9.2 9.2Solar Hot Water 4.7 0.3 5.0Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs 1.6 0 1.6Total Cost of Roll-out Programme 348.9 28.7 377.6Table A illustrates that the cost of new MV distribution line is a major component of theaccess programme. Distribution line costs have traditionally been very expensive in <strong>Rwanda</strong>,iii

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