Volume I: Investment Prospectus Rwanda Electricity Sector Access ...

Volume I: Investment Prospectus Rwanda Electricity Sector Access ...

Volume I: Investment Prospectus Rwanda Electricity Sector Access ...

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• Government and development partner funding will need to be in the order ofUS$320 million to meet the remaining costs projected to 2012. This contributionwill have an important effect on accelerating growth and reducing poverty, and asincomes rise, over time the power sector in <strong>Rwanda</strong> will become self-sustaining.Figure 5.6: Funding Sources for Capital Costs of <strong>Access</strong> ProgrammeCapital Costs and Funding Sources (US$)Capital Costs ofOff-grid<strong>Investment</strong>sand TechnicalAssistance(US$112m)Capital Cost ofGrid <strong>Access</strong>Programme(US$265m)80%GovernmentandDevelopmentPartnerFunding(US$320m)10%10%Surplus fromTariff PaymentsConnectionChargesCapital Cost of <strong>Access</strong> Programme Available Funding Sources5.3 Financial Commitments for an Initial Procurement PackageThe capital costs of the access programme have been projected on a quarterly basis to 2012to ensure that cash expenditure requirements are able to be met from available sources ofcash (see Technical Annex, Section 4.2). In addition, an initial procurement package has beenestimated, recognising that promptly procuring required materials in bulk will achieve earlycost reductions. An initial procurement of materials will also ensure that the programme isnot delayed due to shortages in available materials.Although payments to suppliers under procurement contracts will generally be made upondelivery of materials, this projection helps to understand the funding commitments that willneed to be made by development partners to enter into large-scale agreements withsuppliers.The procurement packages presented in Table 5.7 is based on the projected costs of twoinitial procurement components:• Grid connections in the first 18 months of the access programme (approximately65,000 connections)56

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