2010–13 Strategic Plan - Creative New Zealand

2010–13 Strategic Plan - Creative New Zealand

2010–13 Strategic Plan - Creative New Zealand

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Why is this outcome important?The arts are an essential part of<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers’ lives. <strong>Creative</strong><strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> aims to provide<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers with regularopportunities to experience highqualitywork across all the artformsand cultural traditions that itsupports.<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> is aware that<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers in the main centreshave frequent opportunities toaccess arts experiences that are notreadily available to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ersliving elsewhere. We are committedto supporting the availability of artsexperiences across the country,including to communities orsections of the population thatwould otherwise not have regularaccess.We are also aware that the ways inwhich people experience the artshave changed over the decades.Our programmes will need to takeaccount of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s changingdemography, in particular thegrowing Māori, Pacific and Asiancommunities.What will we do toachieve this outcome?<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> contributesto this outcome by providingfunding through the ContestableFunding and Recurrent Fundingprogrammes, as well as throughnew initiatives such as theDistribution Strategy, which willbe supported through ContestableFunding.Support will also be providedthrough capability-buildingprogrammes, such as the ArtsOrganisation DevelopmentProgramme, the AudienceDevelopment Programme, anda Distribution Skills CapabilityCourse, which aims to provideselected arts practitioners with theknowledge and skills required tosuccessfully organise the touringof performing artworks and writerswithin <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>.<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> will review itscapability-building programmesover 2010–2013. This will enable usto better understand their impactand what needs to be done todevelop them.As stated in the 2007–2010<strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, <strong>Creative</strong><strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> aims to increasethe number of works touringoutside the main centres. In2009 we developed a DistributionStrategy. Several initiatives toimprove the distribution of artsexperiences will be available overthe period 2010–2013: as well asthe Distribution Skills CapabilityCourse (see above), these willinclude a Regional Presenter andAudience Development Fund anda Māori Arts Presenter Fund.The planned diversity strategy(see page 13) will identify howwe can encourage and supportactive participation in the arts byall <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers and how wecan encourage diversity in artsaudiences.Arts Council of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Toi Aotearoa <strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> 2010–2013 17

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