2010–13 Strategic Plan - Creative New Zealand

2010–13 Strategic Plan - Creative New Zealand

2010–13 Strategic Plan - Creative New Zealand

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What we do – Our outputsA matou mahi – A matou whakaputanga<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> achievesits outcomes and impacts bydelivering a range of programmes– or “outputs” – in the followingareas:Output 1: Funding for artists,practitioners and artsorganisationsOutput 2: Capability-building forartists, practitionersand arts organisationsOutput 3: Advocacy for the artsOutput 1:Funding for artists,practitioners and artsorganisationsEighty percent of <strong>Creative</strong><strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s approximately$40 million budget is distributedto the community through fundingor grants. We are usually a partialinvestor only: additional fundingor other resources comes fromlocal government, corporatesponsorship, community andgaming trusts, ticket sales,donations, and volunteers.<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> is recognisedfor its expertise in running fundingprocesses and for having theknowledge and skills necessary tomake sound decisions. We adoptfair processes that enable us to:• make good investment decisionsthat deliver activity that isconsistent with the outcomes wehave identified• contract with the people weinvest in to ensure that publicmoney is accounted for• monitor the projects we invest into ensure that the agreed resultsare achieved.<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s staffmaintain contact with artistsand arts organisations in manydifferent ways, including attendingmeetings, hui, fono, workshops,performances and events. Thisensures that we are well-informedabout trends in the arts sector andabout the sector’s needs, so thatwe are able to provide high-qualityadvice and information to artistsand arts organisations.Output 2:Capability-building forartists, practitioners andarts organisations<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s nationaloversight of the arts sector allowsus to target our capability-buildingprogrammes at specific skill areas,and build the skills and knowledgeof arts practitioners in thoseareas so that they can becomemore effective and efficient. Thisincludes, for example, areas suchas leadership, governance andinternal organisational systems andprocesses.Output 3:Advocacy for the artsAll <strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> staffplay a role in advocating forand promoting the arts. Anexample of our advocacy work isthe three-yearly research into<strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers and the arts, whichexplores <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers’ attitudes,attendance and participation in thearts. 7 Over <strong>2010–13</strong>, we will expandour role in promoting the value ofthe arts.For more information about<strong>Creative</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>’s outputs, seePart 3 of this Statement of Intent.7 <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong>ers and the arts: Attitudes,attendance and participation – Formore information about this research,which was carried out in 2005 and2008, visit www.creativenz.govt.nzArts Council of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Toi Aotearoa Statement of Intent 2010–2013 23

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