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22 FUNDING DEVELOPMENTFinancing development goalsThe Millennium Development Goals, which were radical in their ambition at their inception,have achieved more than most could have imagined. The Sustainable Development Goalsaspire to much more: poverty eradication, social equity and environmental sustainability© ReutersBy Mahmoud Mohieldin, CorporateSecretary and President’s Special Envoy onthe Millennium Development Goals andFinancial DevelopmentUntil the Millennium Declarationwas endorsed by world leaders atthe UN in September 2000, fewdared to imagine goals such as eradicatingextreme poverty and hunger, universalisingaccess to education, or reducing childmortality could be possible. With fewerthan 500 days left until the end of 2015, theworld has already made notable progresstowards achieving the UN MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs).Indeed, the goal of halving the numberof people living on less than $1.25 perday has been achieved with 700 millionfewer people living in extreme povertyby 2010 than in 1990. This is despite asignificant increase in global population.Some 2.3 billion people have gainedaccess to improved sources of water, theliving conditions of 100 million slumdwellershave been improved, and genderdisparity between girls and boys in primaryeducation has been reduced.Despite these achievements, progress onthe MDGs has significantly varied acrossand within countries. It has been slowerin countries affected by conflict, economicand environmental shocks, and weakerpolicy frameworks. Poverty rates remainthe highest in countries in sub-SaharanAfrica and South Asia, while 70 per centof the extreme poor are concentratedin just 10 countries. Within countries,poverty tends to be concentrated amongethnic minorities, women, people withdisabilities or certain geographicallydisadvantaged areas. Inequality of incomeGLOBAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS 2014

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