PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

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(3) Priority for integrated gasification combined cycle projects.--In determining which qualifying advanced coalprojects to certify under subsection (d)(2), the Secretary shall--(B) give high priority to projects which include, as determined by the Secretary--(i) greenhouse gas capture capability,(ii) increased by-product utilization, and(iii) other benefits.29 U.S.C.A. § 2916Title 29. LaborChapter 30. Workforce Investment SystemsSubchapter IV. National Programs§ 2916. Demonstration, pilot, multiservice, research, and multistate projects(e) Energy efficiency and renewable energy worker training program(2) Activities(D) State energy training partnership program(i) In generalUnder the program established under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall award competitive grants to States to enablesuch States to administer renewable energy and energy efficiency workforce development programs that include theimplementation of the activities described in clause (ii).(iv) PriorityIn awarding grants under this subparagraph, the Secretary shall give priority to States that demonstrate that activitiesunder the grant--(I) meet national energy policies associated with energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the reduction ofemissions of greenhouse gases;(II) meet State energy policies associated with energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the reduction of emissionsof greenhouse gases;42 U.S.C.A. § 6342Title 42. The Public Health and WelfareChapter 77. Energy ConservationSubchapter III. Improving Energy EfficiencyPart C. Industrial Energy Efficiency§ 6342. Survey and registry(d) Registry(2) Contents(B) Quantity of recoverable waste energyThe Administrator shall--(i) calculate the total quantities of potentially recoverable waste energy from sources at the sites, nationally and byState; and(ii) make public--CEES Page | W

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