Annual report 2011 - VTB

Annual report 2011 - VTB

Annual report 2011 - VTB

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<strong>VTB</strong> BankNotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements – 31 December <strong>2011</strong> and 2010(in billions of Russian Roubles)38. Financial Risk Management (continued)Collateral and other credit enhancements (continued)The effect of collateral at 31 December <strong>2011</strong> and 2010 by class is presented below:overcollateralized31 December <strong>2011</strong> 31 December 2010undercollateralizedovercollateralizedundercollateralizedLoans to legal entities 2,311.3 1,454.7 1,617.8 900.3Financial lease 205.8 38.3 101.2 41.0Current activity financing 1,348.4 743.5 860.5 577.7Reverse sale and repurchaseagreements 115.3 – 48.8 –Project finance and other 641.8 672.9 607.3 281.6Loans to individuals 727.4 96.7 484.7 56.8Mortgage 305.2 3.8 211.6 5.6Car loans 75.3 0.2 52.4 0.4Reverse sale and repurchaseagreements 3.4 – 3.1 –Consumer loans and other 343.5 92.7 217.6 50.8Total loans and advances tocustomers 3,038.7 1,551.4 2,102.5 957.1The Group’s policy is to dispose of repossessed properties in accordance with the established internal and legalprocedures. The proceeds are used to reduce or repay the outstanding claim.Collateral repossessedDuring <strong>2011</strong> and 2010 the Group obtained assets by taking possession in accordance with additional agreementswith its borrowers of collateral held as security in exchange for the indebtedness of these borrowers. The carryingvalues and the nature of assets received as the collateral repossessed during the relevant year are as follows:<strong>2011</strong> 2010Investment property 4.5 13.1Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 0.6 –Premises and equipment – 3.6Investments in associates and subsidiaries – 0.9Other assets 3.7 1.8Total collateral repossessed during the period 8.8 19.4After finalization of transferring procedures these assets were accounted in accordance with the Group accountingpolicies and included in the relevant items in the statement of financial position.The table below shows carrying amount and the nature of the assets obtained and held as at the <strong>report</strong>ing date:31 December<strong>2011</strong>31 December2010Investment property 72.4 68.9Investments in associates 5.9 5.9Premises and equipment 4.8 8.6Other assets 2.2 0.9Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 0.6 ––Total collateral repossessed 85.9 84.372

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