Annual report 2011 - VTB

Annual report 2011 - VTB

Annual report 2011 - VTB

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<strong>VTB</strong> BankNotes to the Consolidated Financial Statements – 31 December <strong>2011</strong> and 2010(in billions of Russian Roubles)44. Subsequent Events (continued)In April 2012, <strong>VTB</strong> placed USD 1.5 billion Series 15 Eurobonds under EMTN Programme 2 with maturity in 2017 anda fixed coupon rate of 6% p.a.In February 2012, “<strong>VTB</strong> Bank”, PJSC (Ukraine) bought back Series C bonds in total amount of UAH 277.6 million(RUR 1.0 billion).In the first quarter 2012 “<strong>VTB</strong> Capital”, Plc has issued short and medium term notes in the outstanding amount ofUSD 219.6 million (RUR 6.5 billion) under USD 5.0 billion EMTN programme maturing in 2012, 2013 and 2015.In February 2012, the Group obtained 84.91% controlling share in "Russian National Commercial Bank", OJSC bypurchasing additional 45.11% for RUR 0.4 billion from the third parties which are not related to the Group.In March 2012, the Group made a voluntary offer to purchase ordinary shares of “Bank of Moscow”, OJSC fromselected current shareholders of “Bank of Moscow”, OJSC at the price RUR 1,108.65 per share. Maximum number ofshares to be purchased by the Group from these selected current shareholders should not exceed the number ofshares owned by these selected current shareholders at the date when the Group has purchased 46.48% “Bank ofMoscow”, OJSC in February <strong>2011</strong>. The offer has expired on 15 April 2012. At the moment the Group is analyzing thenumber of offer acceptances received and the results of the offer. The Group expects that the share of non-controllinginterests acquired as the result of the offer would not exceed 0.03% of total number of shares of “Bank of Moscow”,OJSC.98

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