Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

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Option I NCDs will be redeemed at the expiry of 60 months from the Deemed Date of Allotment, subject to theexercise of any put option by the Option I NCD holders / call option by our Company, as the case may be.Option II NCDs will be redeemed at the expiry of 36 months from the Deemed Date of Allotment.Put / Call OptionWith respect to Option I NCDs, the holders thereof shall at the expiry of 48 months, from the Deemed Date ofAllotment, have the right to seek redemption of such Option I NCDs held by them, (“Put Option”). A NCD holder ofOption I NCDs, may at his discretion, redeem any number of Option I NCDs held by him, while exercising such PutOption.With respect to Option I NCDs, our Company shall at the expiry of 48 months have the right to redeem suchoutstanding Option I NCDs, (“Call Option”).The holders of Option II NCDs shall not be entitled to exercise any Put Option in connection with such Option II NCDsheld by them. Our Company shall not be entitled to exercise any Call Option in connection with any Option II NCDs.Procedure for Exercise of Put OptionAt the expiry of 48 months with respect to Option I NCDs from the Deemed Date of Allotment, (“Early Redemption(Put) Date”), a holder of Option I NCDs has the right to exercise his Put Option with respect to the Option I NCDsheld by him within 30 days from the Early Redemption (Put) Date (“Early Redemption (Put) Period”).During the Early Redemption (Put) Period, an Option I NCD holder seeking to exercise his Put Option can approachour Company in writing of his intention to redeem any or all of the Option I NCDs held by him.The Option I NCDs with respect to which an NCD holder exercises his Put Option will be redeemed within 30 (thirty)days from the expiry of the Early Redemption (Put) period.Procedure for Exercise of Call OptionAt the expiry of 48 months with respect to Option I NCDs from the Deemed Date of Allotment, (“Early Redemption(Call) Date”), our Company has the right to exercise its Call Option with respect to Option I NCDs within 30 daysfrom the Early Redemption (Call) Date (“Early Redemption (Call) Period”).During the Early Redemption (Call) Period, our Company can send a notice in writing to the holder of any Option INCDs, (as on record on the Early Redemption (Call) Date), calling for redemption of all Option I NCDs that areoutstanding. The Call can be exercised for all outstanding Option I NCDs.The Option I NCDs with respect to which our Company exercises its Call Option will be redeemed within 30 (thirty)days from the expiry of the Early Redemption (Call) Period.Method for calculation for Early RedemptionOn exercise of the Put Option by the holders of Option I NCDs and/or the Call Option by our Company, in connectionwith Option I NCDs, as the case may be, the NCDs will be redeemed at their respective face value along with interestaccrued thereon, if any.Right to Reissue NCD(s)Subject to the provisions of the Act, where we have fully redeemed or repurchased any NCD(s), we shall haveand shall be deemed always to have had the right to keep such NCDs in effect without extinguishment thereof,for the purpose of resale or reissue and in exercising such right, we shall have and be deemed always to havehad the power to resell or reissue such NCDs either by reselling or reissuing the same NCDs or by issuing147

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