Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

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F. SUMMARY INFORMATION OF OUR CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT(` in lakhs)Particulars Total As at March 31, 2011A. Cash flow from operating activitiesNet Profit before taxation 36,060.09Depreciation and amortisation 747.42(Profit)/loss on sale of assets(net) 13.78income on fixed deposits (270.70)Employees Stock option compensation cost 471.68Provision for hedging contracts (546.62)Provision for non performing assets and bad debts written off 10,136.80Contingent Provision against Standard assets 1,714.89Provision for gratuity 40.82Provision for leave encashment 27.48Operating profit before working capital changes 48,395.64Movements in working capital:(Increase) / decrease in assets under financing activities (233,365.55)(Increase) / decrease in other current assets (11,530.50)(Increase)/decrease in other loans and advances (931.92)Increase / (decrease) in current liabilities 23,709.59Cash generated from operations (173,722.74)Direct taxes paid ( net of refunds) (11,127.69)Net cash used in operating activities (A) (184,850.43)B. Cash flows from investing activitiesInvestment in Fixed deposits (net) 7,992.17Purchase of fixed and intangible assets (1,666.35)Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 2.52Interest on fixed deposit 270.70Pre-operative Expenditure (21.03)Preliminary Expenditure (2.73)Net cash used in investing activities (B) 6,575.28C. Cash Flows from financing activitiesProceeds from issue of equity share capital including securitiespremium and Share Application Money 133.05Increase/ (decrease) in bank borrowings(net) 180,566.59Increase/ (decrease) in long term borrowings (net) 62,773.87Increase/ (decrease) in fixed deposits (net) (45.64)Increase/ (decrease) in subordinate debts (net) 269.38Increase / (decrease) in unsecured loans 22,500.00Dividend paid (2,710.89)Tax on dividend (450.25)Net cash from financing activities (C) 263,036.11Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A + B + C) 84,560.9745

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