Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

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or entities.Applicants are advised to ensure that applications made by them do not exceed the investment limits ormaximum number of NCDs that can be held by them under applicable statutory and or regulatory provisions.Applicants are advised to ensure that they have obtained the necessary statutory and/or regulatorypermissions/consents/approvals in connection with applying for, subscribing to, or seeking allotment of NCDspursuant to the Issue.The Lead Managers, the Co-Lead Manager and their respective associates and affiliates are permitted to subscribe inthe Issue.The information below is given for the benefit of the investors. Our Company, the Lead Managers and/or the Co-Lead Manager are not liable for any amendment or modification or changes in applicable laws or regulations, whichmay occur after the date of this Draft Prospectus. Investors are advised to ensure that the aggregate number of NCDsapplied for does not exceed the investment limits or maximum number of NCDs that can be held by them underapplicable law.Grouping of Applications and Allocation RatioFor the purposes of the basis of allotment:i) Applications received from Category I applicants: Applications received from Category I, shall begrouped together, (“Institutional Portion”);ii)iii)Applications received from Category II applicants: Applications received from Category II, shall begrouped together, (“Non-Institutional Portion”);Applications received from Category III applicants: Further with respect to applications receivedfrom Category III applicants, applications by applicants who apply for NCDs aggregating to a value notmore than ` 5 Lakhs, across all series of NCDs (Option I and/or Option II), shall be grouped together,(“Reserved Individual Portion”) while applications by applicants who apply for NCDs aggregating to avalue exceeding ` 5 Lakhs (Option I and/or Option II,), shall be separately grouped together, (“UnreservedIndividual Portion”). For further details please refer to “Additional Applications” beginning on page 158 ofthis Draft Prospectus.For removal of doubt, “Institutional Portion”, Non-Institutional Portion” “Reserved Individual Portion” and“Unreserved Individual Portion” are individually referred to as “Portion” and collectively referred to as“Portions”Applications by Mutual FundsNo mutual fund scheme shall invest more than 15% of its NAV in debt instruments issued by a single Companywhich are rated not below investment grade by a credit rating agency authorised to carry out such activity. Suchinvestment limit may be extended to 20% of the NAV of the scheme with the prior approval of the Board ofTrustees and the Board of Asset Management CompanyA separate application can be made in respect of each scheme of an Indian mutual fund registered with SEBI andsuch applications shall not be treated as multiple applications. Applications made by the AMCs or custodians of aMutual Fund shall clearly indicate the name of the concerned scheme for which application is being made. In case ofApplications made by Mutual Fund registered with SEBI, a certified copy of their SEBI registration certificate mustbe submitted with the Application Form. The applications must be also accompanied by certified true copies of (i)SEBI Registration Certificate and trust deed (ii) resolution authorising investment and containing operatinginstructions and (iii) specimen signatures of authorized signatories. Failing this, our Company reserves the right toaccept or reject any Application in whole or in part, in either case, without assigning any reason therefor.152

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