Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

Shriram City Union Finance Limited - Karvy

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SI.No.YearTotalMSMEs(lakhnumbers)FixedInvestment(` Crore)Production(` crore)CurrentPricesEmployment(lakh person)Exports (`crore)18** 2009-10 298.08 693,835 982,919 695.38 NA(4.53) (11.59) (11.59) (5.47)The figures in brackets show the percentage growth over the previous year. The data for the period up to 2005-06 is of small scale industries(SSl). Subsequent to 2005-06, data with reference to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME5) are being compiled.*Projected (Source: S&D Division — Office of the DC (MSME))Comparison of the MSME Sector with the Overall Industrial Growth in IndiaThe MSME sector has maintained a higher rate of growth vis-à-vis the overall industrial sector as would beclear from the comparative growth rates of production for both the sectors during last five years as incorporated inthe following table:Growth rates of 2001-02base IIP (%age)Over all IndustrialGrowth rates of sector(%age) #2002-03 8.68 5.702003-04 9.64 7.002004-05 10.88 8.402005-06 12.32 8.202006-07 12.6 11.602007-08 13.00* 8.502008-09 Not Available 2.802009-10 Not Available 10.40*: Projected, IIP — Index of industrial Production#: Source- M/o Statistics and P1 website – http://www.mospi.gov.inThe total employment from the MSME sector in the country as per the Fourth Census of MSMEs with referenceyear 2006-07 was 594.61 lakh numbers. As per the estimates compiled for the year 2009-10, the MSME sectoremployed 695.38 lakh persons.EmploymentNo. in lakh person8007006005004003002001000695.38659.35594.61626.34294.912005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10Note1. Projected data for the year 2007-08 to 2009-102. Data for 2005-06 pertain to small scale industries (SSI) only75

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