Luke 12 - Indepthbible.org

Luke 12 - Indepthbible.org

Luke 12 - Indepthbible.org

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will be f<strong>org</strong>iven to him. But then for the one speaking sacrilegiously of the Spirit, the Set-apartOne, it will not be f<strong>org</strong>iven. <strong>12</strong>.11 But then when they may bring you people before the gatheringplaces and the rulers and the authorities, do not worry how or what you should reason in defense,or what you should say. <strong>12</strong>.<strong>12</strong> For the Set-apart Spirit will teach you people in that very hour thethings it is necessary to say.<strong>Luke</strong> <strong>12</strong>:1-<strong>12</strong>, Translation with Footnotes 25072508 2509 2510 2511 25<strong>12</strong><strong>12</strong>.1 While the ten thousands of the crowd were being gathered, so that2507As Nolland outlines the material, there is a new section of <strong>Luke</strong> beginning here at <strong>12</strong>:1,and continuing through 13:9. He states that "The materials of the unit here are presented as asingle continuous statement by Jesus, made in the hearing of a huge crowd, but with specialreference to the disciples...<strong>Luke</strong> establishes a continuity of audience for the materials of thesection by establishing an interplay between address to the disciples and to the gathered crowd(verses 1, 22, 41), and by having the same crowd present for the duration (verses 1, 13, 54;13:1). This, together with the general thematic unity, establishes the boundaries of the section."(2, p. 675) Marshall holds that the section extends from <strong>12</strong>:1 to 13:21, and entitles the section"Readiness for the Coming Crisis." (P. 508)2508These sayings of Jesus, gathered together in <strong>Luke</strong> at this point from differing originalcontexts, contribute together to place disciples and their public witnessing in the context of eternalconcerns, urging the need for bold confession in the midst of deadly opposition. What ishappening to Jesus and His mission is part of a much larger drama, one that catches up thehistory of Israel, for example Israel's grieving of the Spirit in its rebellion (Isaiah 63, etc.); andJudah's later terrible destruction because of what happened in the Valley of Hinnom as depictedin numerous passages in the Hebrew Bible.For this reason, honest responding to God's call in Jesus is not something to be pretendedor played around with, but is deeply serious, involving life and death issues for Israel. Everyhidden, secret word that is spoken will one day come into the fullness of light, where nothing canbe hidden--that is why those who hear the message of Jesus must be deeply serious, and mustnot play games (“hypocrisy”) with this matter of relationship to Jesus and his Kingdom. So <strong>Luke</strong>would have its readers understand the teaching of Jesus.As Marshall states, "Disciples should not be afraid of men and conceal their allegiance toJesus, but should boldly confess it with the...help of the Spirit. Let them not be silent out of fear ofmen, but let them rather fear to offend against God, the mighty Judge (<strong>12</strong>:1-<strong>12</strong>)." (P. 508) If theJewish separatists (“pharisees”) were being hypocrites, pretending to be deeply religious, but inreality being harsh and greedy and self-serving, so the followers of Jesus would be hypocrites, ifthey hid their allegiance to Jesus from others, being afraid of what other might think, and keepsilent, instead of boldly and openly confessing their faith in Him.Those who follow Jesus as His friends do not need to be afraid of what others think ofthem, or do to them. They need only live in trembling awe of God, and seek to please God alone,the only One who holds power over eternal life and death. They can be fully assured that Godcares deeply for them, and will provide for their future. They can trust God fully, even if the way of(continued...)<strong>12</strong>15

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