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1.225 The government will allow ISA savers to withdraw and replace money fromtheir cash ISA without counting towards their annual ISA subscription limit for thatyear, as long as the repayment is made in the same tax year as the withdrawal. Thiswill enable savers to access their ISA savings more flexibly without losing the benefits they havebuilt up. These changes will be introduced in autumn <strong>2015</strong>, following consultation with ISAproviders.1.226 Following technical consultation with the financial services industry, the governmentwill extend the range of ISA eligible investments in <strong>2015</strong>-16 to include listed bondsissued by a co-operative society and community benefit society and SME securitiesissued by companies trading on a recognised stock exchange. The government willalso explore further extending the list to include debt and equity securities offeredvia crowd funding platforms, and will consult in summer <strong>2015</strong> alongside a response to theconsultation on how to include peer-to-peer loans.1.227 As a result of their popularity, the government announced in February <strong>2015</strong> that NationalSavings and Investments 65+ bonds would remain on sale until 15 May <strong>2015</strong>. These bondshave seen unprecedented demand – the biggest opening sale of any retail financial product inBritain’s modern history – and the government has extended the issuance to ensure that eligibleinvestors do not miss out on the market-leading rates on offer.Help to Buy: ISA1.228 In recognition of the impact the low interest rate environment has had on theability of first time buyers to get on the housing ladder, <strong>Budget</strong> <strong>2015</strong> announces theHelp to Buy: ISA. This will reward people that are making the difficult choices required to saveregularly, and help them realise their aspirations of homeownership for the first time. The schemewill work by providing a government bonus to each person who has saved into a Help to Buy: ISAat the point they use their savings to purchase their first home. For every £200 a first time buyersaves, the government will provide a £50 bonus up to a maximum bonus of £3,000 on £12,000of savings. Savers will have access to their own money and will be able to withdraw funds fromtheir account if they need them for another purpose but the bonus will only be made availablefor home purchase. Further details are provided in the document ‘Help to Buy: ISA’. 101Figure 3: How the Help to Buy: ISA will workFirst time buyer opens aHelp to Buy: ISAFirst time buyer makesmonthly deposits andgovernment bonus growsBuyer purchases their firsthome and governmentbonus made available25% governmentbonusMax £3,000Homepurchased25% government bonusMaximuminitial depositof £1,000Max monthlybonus £50Maxmonthlydeposit£200First time buyersavings includingtax-free interestThe bonus isavailable onhomes up to£450,000 inLondon, andup to £250,000outside London101Help to Buy: ISA, HM Treasury, March <strong>2015</strong>.58 <strong>Budget</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

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