Gaz F10 The Kingdom of Kaarjala - Vaults of Pandius

Gaz F10 The Kingdom of Kaarjala - Vaults of Pandius

Gaz F10 The Kingdom of Kaarjala - Vaults of Pandius


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WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT KAARJALA“When a man remembers the land, theland remembers him.”– common Saamari saying“<strong>The</strong> elk and the bear – the king <strong>of</strong> theforest – are prized and respected by mykinsmen, but they are to be hunted. Butwoe befalls he who harms the swan, inrighteous, divine wrath.”– Lasse Aaltonen,Saamari expatriate,speaking before a group <strong>of</strong>adventurers in Gaudavpils“<strong>The</strong> land is not cruel, Aipaloovik; it iswhat it is, and what matters is what wecan see. Men and animals were placedhere to live and die as they might. Wetake what we need, and do what we must,to survive another day. Good hunters andwomen may go to either Agelermiut orAgneriartarfik, and the lazy will go toNoqumiut, where they will always behungry. It has always been this way.“Before the white men came over themountains, life was better. But they tookthe south from us, and made their landshot. <strong>The</strong> life flow <strong>of</strong> the land changed,and many <strong>of</strong> us died as our old huntinggrounds became no more. But still theywere not done with us. Some came northriding great reindeer, and took many <strong>of</strong>our remaining lands for their own. <strong>The</strong>ydo not fight as we do, but we learnedtheir ways to survive. One day, we willgo south again.”– Tornarsuk,Shonak warrior,speaking to his son“You can keep your cities and castles!For me, there’s nothing better than theopen road and a village inn for the night!That’s where you’ll meet the real people,the ones who built this land and keep itgoing. <strong>The</strong>y live close to the land, workhard, and help their communities. <strong>The</strong>cityfolk in Kaarja, secure behind theirwalls and obsessed with deal-making, areforgetting what it means to be <strong>Kaarjala</strong>n.Ilmarinen help us if we all end up likethem!”Pekka Outinen,Saamari warrior,chatting with an Oceansender“<strong>The</strong>y say <strong>Kaarjala</strong> is ‘a landapart’…they don’t know the half <strong>of</strong> it!More like ‘a land 1,000 years in thepast!’ Seriously, the place is just a mass<strong>of</strong> wild forests and half-frozen bogs, andyou can travel for days without seeinganyone! Decent pubs or inns are scarcerthan a sunny day in Littonia, too. <strong>The</strong>re’sreally not much <strong>of</strong> anything that woulddraw a person.“But there’s something about the placethat keeps me here. It’s more than thechance to roam a land that’s still fairlypristine, and it’s more than the prospect<strong>of</strong> finding some ancient hoard <strong>of</strong> treasurethat predates the kingdom itself.“It’s the people. <strong>The</strong>y may not havemuch more than a ro<strong>of</strong> over their headsand a plot <strong>of</strong> land, but they seem at peace– both with themselves and what they dohave. <strong>The</strong>y know who they are andthey’re content, and that’s good enoughfor them. Maybe it’s because the noblesleave them alone for the most part.“Anyhow, I think they know somethingwe could all afford to learn, ourselves.”– Carwen BerdelhinDarokinian adventurer,speaking to a friend in Kaarja“If <strong>Kaarjala</strong> is distant, its people aredoubly so. <strong>The</strong> founding <strong>of</strong> theirkingdom, despite great adversity, is one<strong>of</strong> their main sagas; this is a window intotheir soul. Please understand that theysee their realm as purely the work <strong>of</strong> theirown hands, and consequently they feelthey owe allegiance to no one. To them,Alpha is just as distant as the Sea <strong>of</strong>Dread – so distant that it is not evenconsidered.“I do think that they may yet be broughtinto the fold, if you think <strong>of</strong> them as alone animal in the midst <strong>of</strong> an open field– exposed, and having to rely on itself forsurvival. One must shelter the animal,and possibly show it where to find morefood, thus satisfying needs <strong>of</strong> which thecreature may have been unaware. Renderthem aid and guidance, convince them <strong>of</strong>their need for such, and they may come toyou.”Tarn Oakleaf,Druid Representative to Alpha,speaking to King Ericall“It was a thing most bizarre andfrightening, brother Hiram. Upon thecold night prairie did I espy one <strong>of</strong> thosenomadic shamans engaged in gruesomeenterprise – the butchering and devouring<strong>of</strong> a reindeer for some foul purpose.“It reminded me very much <strong>of</strong> thatwhich we do not speak, so complete wasthe devourment. Brother Samuel must bemad to want to trade with the <strong>Kaarjala</strong>ns,if these are the things the overland routewill encounter.”– Laradril, Leehan Explorer,writing to his brotherUsing <strong>Kaarjala</strong> withOther Game Systems<strong>The</strong> product that you are now holdingwas written with the Classic version <strong>of</strong>Dungeons & Dragons in mind;however, <strong>Kaarjala</strong> is fully usable as acampaign setting for other game systems.For First Edition AD&D, demihumansmust hail from lands outside <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kaarjala</strong>.<strong>The</strong> magic-user is rare, and the paladinunheard <strong>of</strong>. <strong>The</strong> barbarian class isfounded among some Vaarana as well asthe surrounding fringe cultures. <strong>The</strong>kanteleer may be treated either as a bardor a fighter/magic-user dual class. <strong>The</strong>noaid could be treated as a druid/magicuserdual class. <strong>The</strong> monk and cavalierclasses, as well as psionics, areincompatible with the setting.Under Second Edition AD&D, thefollowing kits are appropriate: barbarian(Icereach, Shonak and Viaskaland),outlaw, peasant hero, wilderness warrior(mainly Vaarana), noble warrior,adventurer, all thief kits (save buccaneer)– especially beggar, bounty hunter andthug, all priest kits (save fighting-monk)with the most popular being the“dwarven” kit <strong>of</strong> craftpriest. Rangers canbe explorers, giant killers, guardians,pathfinders and wardens. Wizards aremost likely witches or astrologers.Druids typically take the adviser,avenger, lost druid, or wanderer kit.Specialist wizards are external to<strong>Kaarjala</strong> proper and are limited toIllusionists, Necromancers, or Invokers.For campaigns under 3.xE, the sorcereris permitted as a character choice amongthe Vaarana, Shonak, and Viaskodans.

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