1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

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unlined tunnel was 0.187 ft. Similar results were obtained when smallerdischarges were considered. It was concluded that no refilling of theturn about would be necessary.To avoid the possibility of a tunnel with too large a cross-sectionalarea, the contractor will be limited to a maximum of four turnoutsupstream of the surge tank.E. Hydraulic Losses From Draft Tube to Tailrace. A study ofhydrau 1 i c losses between the draft tube and the tail race was undertakento help in determining the new turbine efficiencies. Results of thestudy were:(1) Condition with maximum discharge of 518 ft 3 /s through theCrater Lake unit with the two Long Lake units inoperative.a Total hydraul ic . losses between the draft tube and tai lraceincluding expansions and contractions are equal to 0.47 ft.0.16 ft.b Total friction losses between the draft tube and tailrace are(2) Condition with maximum discharge of 518 ft 3 /s through theCrater Lake un it along with the max imum discharge of 1, 122 cfs throughthe two Long Lake units for a combined total of 1,640 ft 3 /s.a Total hydraulic losses between the draft tube and tailraceincluding expansion and contractions are equal to 0.76 ft.0.32 ft.b Total friction losses between the draft tube and tailrace are(3) The following assumptions were made in these hydraul ic losscalculations:81-23

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