1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

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SU~AMARYLOGHOLE NO.N 95159. I SHF ET :2 OF :iE 912c;Q. lSURFACE FoI.EV 1()30 nPROJECT sr;ETT. (CRATER LAKE) DRILL OATES' START 101lS!73 CO:'I~ 10/2[,/73DEPTH OF HOLE 415.6 DEPTH OF OVERBUROEN 1.5ROCK DRILLED 414.1 CORE RECOVERED 414.1ANGLE FRO;.! VERT. 35°AREA!LE'I.~~ I. 1O!PTM~100 LOGDESCRI~TIOMA' MATER.lALSQuarcz Diorite. gneissic.fracture. 40°darkDI~M. OF HOLEr,xc:-'" RECOVERY 100CO:-'i?ILED 0 .... tREMARI(SD~n:12/5/73very coarse white band(125.0' co 126.2')-"" '.'-./. '~:"/j- "1~ :.." ..- ---,.,.\ ....... ', ....... ' .... ' ...... '- ,:." '-I;'; '" :. I-.;' j" -,150 :;,',._\~ crushed zone. l·~O.O' to 150.7''1'~~~')I.);~ heavy iron staines 150.7' co 152.2'-~~\W/0.5' crumbly gouge at base-~~,~I J) fractures. 65°-90°, slight Fe stain!;1&0 I'~ w/1/2" iron seam" 154.0'• ""'-- ~ \ I -~.'. -\~;:":/~'IJ..L...,.. 163.4' co 166.1' - badly shattered,iron stained ... /koalinized feldspar-~"I~- in top 6"1·" ~ ~\7'../\-' /;- -..!./\_\ / fractures, ':'5" ,light Fe ~tZlins- ......, .....!. ,-\."-~1;;0 \ \ ..... --"'-'~'\\_ \,f_\~~\/ .-'" ... h. ~1 '" .....

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