1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

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SUM~ARY LOG N 941lRFi I SHF:ET 4 Of,;,HOLE NO. DDH-I07 E 90405 lSURFACE ELEV. 1000.1PROJECT SNETT. (CRATER LAKE) DRILL DATES'START 11/12/73 COM? 11/22/73DEPTH OF HOLE 340.2 OEPTH OF OVeR8URDEN 0 OIAht OF HOLE NXROCK ORILLEO 340.2 CORE RE:COVER::O 340.2ANGLE FROM VERT. 37 0 ;.\ZI~UTH FROM NORTH 310 0AREAPOI;JER TUNNEL.........ELEV. ~6JH LOG D!$C"'~TIOM 0' IllAT!AIALSQuartz Diorite, gneissic, darkjoints, tight, Fe stainedjoints, crushed zone @ 305.5'~~ RECOVERY 100COMPILED BY.REMARKScore 1engt hsto 1.3'041'£12/5/73-core lengths0.3' to 1. 9 'joint, chloritic, 55°joint, coated IN/biotite. fiO'core length"t () 2. ~ ,-Bottom of Hole340 . .21!---'­ ---jJ--.---~J PA Form 1(1 t) 1ts_--1_......:...P...:..R~O:.:J:.:!:..:C=-T.:-....,..:.:.,-'-T-'-', :---"""", ..'_._...;.......,_,._:.,._'_'00>.-'_'____-"-r-lOL ~ NO ..-~L.A_P_R._6_!; __

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