1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

1 - Alaska Energy Data Inventory

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(2) Maximum speed rise was calculated at a net head of 835 ft andblocked power output of 47,190 hp. This point, which is approximately thesame as Rejection Condition C on Plate B22 is the maximum net head at whichfull gate operation will occur. As net head decreases from this pointdischarge decreases, as net head increases, discharge decreases and gateopening decreases. Therefore the point chosen represents the criticalcondition for speed rise. Maximum unit speed with a 5 s equivalent closurerate is 859 r/min (this value was subsequently verified by "WHAMO") whichis well below the allowable maximum of 900 r/min • The correspondingpressure gradient elevation at the unit is 1,171.5 ft.B4-24

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