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PEOPLE’S HEALTH ASSEMBLY 2GLOBAL HEALTH WATCHTHE PEOPLE’S MOVEMENTINTERNATIONAL PEOPLE´S HEALTH COUNCILRESEARCH MATTERSSCHOOL OF MEDICINE – U. OF CUENCANACIONAL PEOPLE’S HEALTH FRONTCENTER FOR HEALTH RESEARCH AND ADVISORY (CEAS)LATIN AMERICAN HEALTH WATCHAlternative Latin American Health ReportEditor general: Jaime BreilhEnglish Edition:Translation: Gaby Mansfield Borrero.General Reviewers: Jeremy Ogusky.Specific texts reviews: Pete Dohrenwend, Brian Epstein, JessicaFlayer, Diana Grigsby, Jon Hartough, Emmanuel Hipolito, GarrettHubbard, Jaime Jones, Lynda Lattke, Ann Miceli, Amber Middleton,Siiri Morley,Weej Mudge,Ar<strong>de</strong>n O´Donnell, Chris Onken,TommasoPacini,Talya Ruch, Eve MoreauSpanish Edition:Reviewers: Arturo Campaña, Francisco Hidalgo.Translation:: Gaby Mansfield Borrero.Pre-diagramming :Edith Valle© Global Health Watch – CEAS - 2005Asturias N2402 y G. <strong>de</strong> Veraceas@ceas.med.ecPhone-fax: 593 2 2506175 mobil : 099707682Quito – EcuadorISBN-9978-44-258-8Printed in: Cuenca , Ecuador"Imprenta Hernán<strong>de</strong>z"CuencaGlobal Health Action is a campaign tool based on the first Global Health Watch, published in July 2005.The Watch is a broad collaboration of public health experts, non-governmental organizations, civil society activists, community groups, health workers and aca<strong>de</strong>mics.It was initiated by the People’s Health Movement, Global Equity Gauge Alliance and Medact.This alternative world health report is an evi<strong>de</strong>nce-based assessment of the political economy of health and health care – and is aimed at challenging the majorinstitutions that influence health.The Watch is available for free download at the website www.ghwatch.org, and on CD, available by contacting ghw@medact.org. It will be published by ZedBooks in December 2005.Acción Global <strong>de</strong> Salud es un instrumento <strong>de</strong> campaña basado en el Primer Observatorio Global <strong>de</strong> Salud (Global Health Watch) publicadoen julio <strong>de</strong>l 2005.El Observatorio es una amplia colaboración <strong>de</strong> expertos, organizaciones no gubernamentales, activistas <strong>de</strong> la sociedad civil, grupos <strong>de</strong> comunida<strong>de</strong>s, trabajadores<strong>de</strong> salud y académicos en el campo <strong>de</strong> la salud pública. Fue iniciado por el por el Movimiento <strong>de</strong> Salud <strong>de</strong> los Pueblos ("People’s Health Movement"), la AlianzaGlobal Gauge para Equidad ("Global Equity Gauge Alliance") y Medact.Este Informe Alternativo sobre la Salud Mundial es una evaluación basada en evi<strong>de</strong>ncias <strong>de</strong> los servicios <strong>de</strong> salud y la economía política <strong>de</strong> la salud y constituye un<strong>de</strong>safío hacia las instituciones mayores que con influencia en el campo <strong>de</strong> la salud.El Observatorio está disponible en el portal www.ghwatch.org y también en formato <strong>de</strong> CD al que pue<strong>de</strong> acce<strong>de</strong>rse contactando ghw@medact.org y serápublicado por Zed Books en diciembre <strong>de</strong>l 2005.2

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